1, dllimon To the Holders of 0 II To Me Holders of GRAIN STATISTICS-1 i BY FRANK I GArtnn rtz I LVORLD1S GRAIN 1 MARKET- NEWS limmoomoomob hard RAIN I PUtiq GRAINS. IN AAAR VETS WHEATADVANCES CASH -GRAIN rnm i 1111T19011110', a1 4 Northern States Power Company Convertible WA Gold Notes Aiou Trani the way wheat 4.111MS out on the spots and the weakness displayed in all the markets. it sussemed a smaller short interest tban was renorallY believed and created disposition to sell on all bulges. despite the bullish character of the rabies and statistical SLIPS; CORN ALSO DOVIN BY CHARLES MICHAELS. II 0 I 1 Immo Lemand for dorneatie red and hard winter er heat trtmt abroad was revort041 gut better.
but norregrate aairo were not rotimotod ot tiO.ti00 bu mil. Ramie al both the orb- Orw board and irult wrio firmer wh it No. bard Chow fi :35 rtd bait' April old at the mutt at over. St 14.1.35 of Manitoba in all potntiona were .1.27 1 ettinated at to 000.000 Rye 20P1 Pale wen! (0.000 'with a little barley. Chicago handier old 3,000 bu wheat: Wpor 1.40 fl9.000 bu corn.
49,000 bu 011ta. and 1.000 Yk137 bu barley to the domrotie trade. with 20,000 Mot I bu wheat and bu torn (told to to to .1.49 qtork-. 11N T.1-45 of 'wheat her fairly but a rood part or the trrain came front other chi, .1.0 tnarketa and wrnt direct to nitila or elevator st 1.2s town-sta. Soot basis watt stead, to 4te C.1.2.".
Chf 1 .35 St 14.1.35 24110s 1.33 DIth.1.43 WP1" 1.40 Yk.1.37 .1.55 ti-pl IN 1- .1.45 rbiro .1.30 st 144.12s14 Dated November 1923Doe Ncreember 1, 1933 between ittites Powyg, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ma prov144 In the Arr Trust Co l. 1923 Northern an mpany of NeVr York. as that fulr.11.4 Fasentr-threa Thousand Donarn f273.0,0) par value Northern E. rower Company Convertitdo Va Gold Notee Ilisted 1. If1;" tille November 1.
1133, bootie(' under said 1 runt a 103'i following numhera. have been drawn be the gre tfte the Sinking( Fund and -will Le Paid on Mar 1, 11J27. their par value and accrued interest thereon to of hat date: NOTES AT $1,600 EACH blur Wbest. ar.20.ht az 29. nigh tow.
1917. 1927. 1919. 1 .35 1.33 1 .3.3 1.34 1.57 tat 1.35 123 1 1.34 1.214i 1.Z7 148 La3, Lai 1.311,111..1.342 1.51 1.43 1.41 1.41 1.43 1.34 1.40 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.484,i 1-37ty 1.341.35 1.11714 1.50.1,. 1.5.5 1.5614 .1.49,4..1.50 1.49 1.49 1.481.01 1.45 1.44 1.44 1.42 July Wtuutt.
1.28X 1.12"1-15 L2stt 1.27 127 1.2A4 1.33 1.2211 1.21 1.M 1.281.33 1.22 1.27 1.34 1.443 1.3t0,1 1.34 1,37 1.4.5 1.3314 1.47 1.81 31D18 1.32 Dul .1.39 1.39;16 138 128 Wpc .1.37 1.37 135 .1.321.321.32 1.32 bp1 .1.48 1.48 1-47 1.47 1 Septerrsbo.r Chtro .1118 1.28 1.284 1.28 pis 1.28 1.28 i Dith I Wpt 1.256 1.28 1.28 1.2d I 1-44 1.441.44 SWentiste have worked out a. definite routine for the beginner in poultry ing to follow. It may vary on minor Itemc but there are certain principles that every successful chicken raiser must follow. The time to start Ls the day the baby chicks roll out of the shell. for the I first week's care counts in the 'gory of success and failure.
Sug-geetions are made by 31ttenbender of the Iowa 'gallon. which, if followed carefully, will bring favorable results. Ire says to allow one square foot of floor space for every two chicks, and cover the brooder floor with dry litteran inch of fine gravel covered with alfalfa leaves makes a good litter- Give the chicks sour milk or fresh buttermilk to drink for the first six weeks but do not give them water. Clean the hovers frequently and keep the milk utensils clean. Keep chicks confined in chick boxes and in the dark for sixty to seventy-two hours after hatching and at this age.
and not before, they are ready to be fed. advises this expert Bittenbender also recommends the separation of the pullets and co*ckerels at the end of the tenth week. "A chick at this age. making a normal rate of growth, will be twenty-five times as large as it was when it was hatched." be says" Baize the chicks on fresh ground. Move the brooder house several times to avoid round worms, enteritis, aud other forms of intestinal parasites and diseases.
This is perhaps the most important point of all. as one thrifty, healthy chick is worth more than ten sick ones." 'Crated State' visible supply of wheat decreased 1,524.000 bU last week: Corn. 507. 000 bu: oats. 1.350600 bu: rye.
101.000 bit. and barley, 105.000 bu. Details follow: This aspic. Last week. last year.
Wheat 51.845.000 Corn 4M.837.000 37.197.000 Oats 40.314,000 53,973,000 1im 1 4 .365.000 14.4 030.000 13,71 5,000 Barley 3.3sfi.000 15,285.000 lirbeat Morita in all bastions in Chicore decreased 126.000 bu last week: corm 53.000 hu: 173.000 bu: rye. 30.000 bu. and barley. bu. Details follow.
last three cipher omitted. except in the totals: Public. Private. Last year-Wheat 1,100 1,287 2.750.000 2.5411.000 Corn 8.938 14.453 24.830,000 C0.021.000 oats 2.245 3,609 6.508.000 8.016600 Rye 1 140 MI 1,190.000 2.953.000 Barley 167 107.000 380.000 Includes, 300.000 bu wheat, 1,441,000 bu corn. and 681.000 bn oats afloat.
Contract stocks of wheat in public elevators in Chicago decreseed 4.000 bu last week. and corn increased 517.000 burn. Details follow: This wek. Last week. Last year.
Wheat ......1.068,000 1,072.000 89.000 Corn 7 894,000 7.377,000 6.378.000 Oats 2.179.000 2.303,000 3.268.000 Rye .1.138600 1.109.000 2.628.000 Supplies of wheat on ocean peonage' de-tressed 5.300.000 tYCI last week and corn 8.069.000 bu. Details follow: This week. Last week. year. Wheat 74,152,000 79.512.000 47.648.000 Corn 21,496,000 24.565.000 Oats 4.920,000 6,270.000 5,760,000 Barley 8,333.000 9,372.000 5.585.000 World's shipments of wheat were about as expected, decreasing 6,781.000 bu front the previous week.
Details follow: Last week. Prey. wk. Last year. Wheat 14.815,000 21,596.000 Corn 4,875.000 3,080.000 1.202.000 Oats 1.113,000 2.206,000 1.254.000 Canadian Visible supply of wheat.
Canadian points only. decreased 831.000 bit last week, and oats 239.000 bu. Details follow: This Last week. Last year. Wheat 70,577.000 71.408:000 88.871.000 Oats 7.012.000 8.151.00011.965600 Rye 2.857,000 2,880.000 2686.000 Barley 7,401,000 0,974.000 8,703,000 XI 0 )00 0 0 1.27 12114 1.30, 1.24 1.27 1.29 IAA i 4790 C114 474; 521S C221 4796 479 547r, 424 54Rr; 4s2 6522 6454 4051 c404 4A1t9 G004 5431 4919 LA99 6409 4920 5514 A503 4922 5C34 4941 tA40 4452 15541 AAA() 4971 5444 C722 4972 ARS9 6017 5k97 CA72 5019 5902 59R1 5023 6121 7041 5051 6944 7044 15140 7145 11164 CO52 7045 5218 C942 70k7 5219 C044 7122 5252 $185 7141 6:4: 317's: 143111 sts: 7159 1012 1 tovs 7575 1,51 oul 7493 9Sql 7594 9711 SO! 7754 .111 77C0 90,13 R35 it 76 741 9902 7544 P913 7455 tigcl 79q11 795 8971 1415 748 1710 27114 70 773 1725 2741 2R8 1760 21(69 97 P90 124 2424 162 921 1933 )446 249 972 2009 2903 264 284 2047 2'467 224 9i9 20P0 2997 2134 1045 2140 3002 237 1072 2190 3036 261 1207 2244 2049 425 1234 2291 2232 448 1270 2297 8242 450 1266 2333 2251 465 1482 2227 2292 495 1661 2896 8348 222 1571 2412 3497 E76 1576 2445 3528 15 9 1602 2607 3639 1599 1612 2627 2633 637 1637 2648 3645 676 1641 2649 369 124 1653 2654 3711 1693 2662 8713 2'431 8949 8954 105S M54 8979 4016 4029 4101 4141 4173 4269 41112 4819 4833 4843 4451 4477 4523 4533 4569 4603 4788 lower, with No.
2 red under and Ncl 3 red 4fir5e under May. with No. bard May Price to over. anti No. 3 hard 3st5c under.
St. Louie we ite higher and Kansas City untliatigti. At Minneapolis chipping pales were 73.000 bu. including 50,000 bu tor phipment at opening of navigation, and some for all rail Phipment to Indiana Mi 114. Demand for lion eorn wag fair.
with around 35 cars here from Milwaukee 'Meg direct to an industry. Spot bamia we steady to le higher siith No. 3 grades, under: No. 4 71e6g3e under: No. 5 grade teglOc under and tio.
6 grades. Pliitt tinder May. Outside markets were unchanged to 2e lower. Offerings of cash oata were not largo with the basin higher to lower. No- 2 white was 2iiii4e over and No.
3 white 13te over to 2tyie under AMay. retrinta Of grain at Chicago Monday: Wheat. 55 cars: corn. 144 cars; oats, 68 cars: rye. 2 ears: barley, 11 cars.
Range of cash grain prime in leading marketa follow: Favorable crop reporta were the baste for liberal wiling of July end busing Mar wheat-At the same time a few of the large local traders were buying wheat and (selling corn with a single trade of 500.000 bu July corn between two Of the big professionals. Predictions of soma of the aggressive corn bears is that the May debverr wtll ern down to around 67ao8e some time nest month. Others. think octopus are close enough to the bottom ao that a trading attittic10 le the best ODO to etiltitrate. A Chicszo man who has been out in Ran-es says conditions of winter wheat is about as good as it can be.
although there are a few spots where more moisture would Joe beneficial. Reports from Winnipeg said the pool bits sold a large quantity of wheat and WILS holder of futures. Cash triarkets there were ftrta with a good demand for all grade neary rains kept farmers out of the fields last week," said IL I. Baldwin of Decatur. DI.
"Should weather prove favorable for the next ten days oats seeding would be completed about as early as usual. Wheat and pastures look good. Stocks of corn in local elevators are light. There hes been a moderate movement frora farms. Stocks of oats on farms and in elevators are growing small.
Early sown oats are op to a good wzrmAT. Chicago. KAMM' Orr. SL 1.0111iS N.O. I red 1.32, 1 .2 6 4 1,30 No.
2 rea. 1.32 1.26 1.28a291.4 No. 3 red. 1.29 1.26 No. 2 red.
1 32 No. 3 red. 1.29 May Coro. Chr0 .72 72 714 ri 71 7214 1 st Lit .78 78 75 75 76 70 Kan C.71 714 71 71 714 60 July Chro .76 76 76 6 76 614 St La .7914 79 78 79 74 Kart 0 .75 75 74 74 7414 70 September Corm Chro .90 SO 794 7wr4 So 78A Ran .73 7814 773 78 May Oats. Chao ..43 43 43 43 43 40 Mpla .42 42 41 41 41Ta 354 WflPf .55 554 54 65 65 47 July Cho .4414 44 433k 44 44 404 Mpla .42 42 42 42 42 37 WnPg 54 54 53 53 63 48 September Oats.
Chao .43 43 42 43 43 40 I Wpc .49 494 49 491k 49 461 Wptr 1.00 98 99160 87 May Rye. 1-01 1-02 99 16014 1.01 87 pla 95 93 D3 94, SO July Rye. Chet, 1.004 1.00 97 PS 99 pia 94 94 94, 9414 95 8214 Wpg .1.00 1.00 97 9814 1.00 88 May Barley. Mpla es es ss 6341 69 61 Wupc 7434 '74 73 73 7414. 61 Maar Flaxseed.
Mpla 2.17 217 2.15 218 217 7,31 Pith 219 219 2.17 2.17 2.19 2.294 Wnpr 1.92 1.92 1.90 1.91 40 35 47 40 37 4814 40 40 87 87 80 8824 8214 881,4 7214 7 Oa 70 74 70 781A, No. 4 red. 1.24 No. 1 IAl2561E37 No. 2 bd.
1.35 No. 3 lid. Chicago. No. 1 nor No.
2 nor. No. 3 nor. No. 1 dk.
1 1.27.4t134 1.27U331,1. 1.33 Win ni Mimsempoi 1.42 14; 1,31 331,4 1.371 1.280;30 1.29 1.231164 2, 77,16 I NOTES AT $S00 EACH 88 117 111 825 X35 313 423 529 707 751 112 141 61 86 106 296 834 257 451 526 631 752 782 116 214 NOTES AT MO EACH C28 189 161 245 403 606 523 555 411 446 186 142 202 267 419 619 647 670 657 724 Milder' of the above notes should present them for Partin Tit os ey after May 1. 1927. with the November 1. 1927 and subsequent attached, at the Trust Derrartment of Guaranty Trust Company et Islew York.
140 Broadway. New York City. On May 1. 1927 interest on the above notes shall 'ease ant (coupons maturing after that date shall be Bull and void. payable May 1.
1927 should be detached and presented for payment the usual manner. In accordance with the terms of Article Section 27 of the said Trust Agreement. notes called for redemption may be converted into Common Capital Stock of Northern States Power Com Imo of Delawlize) on or before thirty days prior to the redemption date. NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY, 3- GRAF. Vie President On February 14, 1927 potes eared for redemption on Mai I.
133 bearing the following distinctive numbers IP elle still unredeemed: NOTES AT $1,000 EACH M200 8988 234 9381 IN FOREIGN STOCK MARKETS. Grain markets showed a heavy undertone. and while vr'neat was fraetionally bizher at the start on bullish world's statistics and a sharp upturn in Liverpool, there IS a quick decline of rialilltic with the close at net of with May $1.330 1.33, July and September 11.261eet1.26 Corn hold within a tange and closed tic lower May 71eP 717s, July 76, and September 79Ta C.9 89c. Oats lost 1,4 with May July 44c, and S'eptember 43c. Rye declined Ti ct 1c with May 91.00Vs, 9Sc, and September 95c-- Commiseion houses in general bad reeting orders to veil May wheat at 11.35 and over, and the weakened technical position was sC decided factor in causing the sharp receselon.
May at the outside sold at $1.35,4.. or 1174.c over the recent row, and the short covering so much in evidence last week was absent. Pressure continued on the market throughout the day, with the decline checked by buying against bids. Weakness in Winnipeg had some effect, that market being off iersic with thie pool credited with being on the selling side, despite talk of a good export businems. Foreign Demand Better.
Foreign demand ehowed improvement, with sales of SMOG() to 600,000 bu in all positions. including a little red wintet and there was a. brisk demand for hard' winters at the rat. Late cables from Germany said Argentine grain had a low protein and a good demand for American was expected if Chicago held ad 3r. A reduction of 1SZ4.000 bn In the domestic visibte srupply had little effect on the local wheat market.
Total Is now 50,321,000 bu against 31,974.000 bu last year, Crop reports were again favorable. It Is expected that boats will clear from both Quebec and Montreal this week, or about the earliest on record. Buenos Aires closed lower with May 91-27. and June, Bay Corsi Sell Wheat. Buying of corn against Bales of wheat had a strengthening effect on the former.
but trade In the aggregate was not large, and the market held within relatively narrow limits. Visible supply decreased 607,000 bu for the week. and is bu against 37,197,000 bu last year. Local spot basis was steady to lc higher. Shipping demand remains decidedly maI1.
Buenos Aires closed unchanged with May 62c. and June St3ic. Hedging pressure was a factor in making a lower level of oats prices, and there was also selling by commission houses and locals. The best buying was against bids and by shorts. Free commission house selling and the weakness in wheat was responsible for the decline in rye.
0 1 1 LOICDON. March 28(1P) Bar saver. 25d per ounce: money. 4 per cent: diacoont rates. short lolls; 4 7-18 per cent; three months tuns.
4 b-1604 per rent. PA1t.13.(A3)Priees were irregular on the bourse today. There per cent retries. 571 80o. Exchange on London.
124f 3c. Free per cent loan. 72f. The foliar was quoted at 2 3f 53e. Me the Per at MJarch.
I Durnm. Pxchange $485 1Bonded. nor. 1.3254(443 CORN. eilleallo.
Omaha. Peoria. N-o. 2 me. 65 No.
4 rroLft20e41.4 No. 5 mx.60 0 1 63 064 No. 0 mx.t30 tr61 61 kit'63 No. 3 yet. 68 kcal No.
4 Yel-830238 65 ts67 65 016 No. 5 yeil.02.063 63 63 Ce84 No. 6 7e1.61 4e82 61 U63 No. 3 wil. 6714 No.
4 wh. 64 65 No. 5 wh.6214tEe64 61 No. 6 w2L60 trfrl S. red-- .47 000 40 it59 Milwaukee.
Eamon Mi. Bt. Louis, No. 4 67 fre72 No. 3 73 tr73 70 No.
4 re1.67 0694 71 67 ef39 i No. 5 yet. 63 ks64 No. 3 iS kbaSti No. 4 wh, 67 68 No.
5 wh. 62 Minneapolis. Buffalo. Toledo. No.
2 yel.71 0173 No. 3 ye1.68 ref 76 1 it 72 No. 2 mx.68 (cr00 PROVISION PRICES DROP NOTE AT $500 D285 ccrrroNsEED OIL. lTEIRT 'YORK. March OILMarket was weak today.
March breaking 50 points following tenders of 500 barrels Other months declined 14 to 25 points in sympathy. There was a partial recovey but the close was barely steady at 14 to 35 points net decline. Sales 27.600 barrels Prime crude 7-50c: prime trummer yellow spot 875c; March 8.90c: May 911c; July 9.32c; September 9.43e: October 9.35e. T- oo 25 re- 14 ow ily MIR Ready-made card records for your business WiEN you need alcard record for any particular purpose, phone f9r a f'Y and man. We znay have just what you need in stock.
If not, we can design a special form to fit your business. MIMMilM STEEL AND WOOD FILES-STEEL SHELVING-DESKS- SAFES-OFFICE SYSTEMS AND SUPPLIES-BANK AND LIBRARY EQUIPMENT FFICE EQUIPMENT YAW-1 --4Atsi AND ERBE MFG.O. 162-164 West Monroe St. Phone: Franklin I Ready-made 4 I. card records 1 for your bu sness .1 HEN you need .4 V.
tili a card record 1.3.. iram for any particular a purpose, phone fpr a 13- 0,1 r- I V' and man. We 1- gara znay have just what you need in stock. If not, we can design a STEEL AND WOOD FILES special form to fit STEEL SHELVINGDESKS your business. SAFESOFFICE SYSTEMS AND SUPPLIES--BANK AND LIBRARY EQUIPMENT I FFICE EQUIPMENT do liAr--W-1 AND ERBE W.
0, It: 162-164 West Monroe St. Phone: Franklin i ii There wae a sharp break prorisions with amnia rally. At the finish lard was 10e to 15c lower. short ribs. 1.5c to 1714e.
and 30e to 50e lower with trading itmall. Lard hi btverpool IPIA8 ftd lower. Cash trade was fair. Exports of lard from the seaboard for the week were 14,388.000 lbo. and bacon 4.713.000 1bn.
coraPare4 with 9.605.000 lbs and 7.002,000 lbs bacon last year. Prices follow: NOTE AT $100 C705 NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY, ByR. J. GRAF. rice President.
I Dated, Cbteage. February 14, 1 1127. OW GASOLLNE AND LINSEED OILS. GASOLINETank wagon. 16e; set-rime station, 18e; gal machine gasoline.
tank wagon. 38.9c. CARBONPerfection. 13c. FURNACE OILStanoline.
tank wagon. 10c: 100 to 769 gals, 800 gale or more. 8c. MACHINE OILSSummer black, 9.9c; do winter. 10.4c.
LINSEED OIL---Raw. drum. 90e; do boiled. C'E f9 q--E te. ed, To the Holders of Northern States Power Company May July Clear Borneo.
Mar.28.5ior.26,Mar 29. Friel. Low. 192,7. 1927.
1926. 16.65 16.60 16.60 16.90 15.25 16.10 16.10 16.10 16.60 15.60 Lard. 12.30 12.42 14.15 12.40 12.30 12.37 12.50 14.20 12.60 12.52 12.60 12.70 14.42 12.80 12.72 12.77 12.92 14.60 short Ribs. 14.62 14.60 14.62 14.80 14.62 14 20 14.35 14.70 RAW SILK MARKET. YORK.
March steady. Prices per pound: Japanese grand double extra $0.1006.20: double extra $5.00 (43.10: extra $5.5510.60: best No. 1 to extra $5.500.5.55. Canton new style 14-16s $.4 05: Share-hal steam. three dancers.
143 05 IVI GO i- 65 March May July Sept May July ()AIN. Chicago. Kansa City. Ft- Lank. No.
2 wh. 48 451444814 40 447 No. 3 64414 47 4314 No. 4 101.34 tt 424 40 IR 4 214 3411waukee. Omaha.
Minneapolis. No. 2 wk. 45 437t4414 No.3 wh.43144844 43 lit44311i 423404344 No. 4 wh.41 0,4214 3814414114 Buffalo.
Toledo. Peoria. No. 3 wh. 40 448 RYE, BARLEY, AND FLAX.
Rye. Bari eY. Flax. Chleago .9314496 65 (1182 2.23 9414 72 484 Minnealla 941441'98 564175 2.130'2223 Duluth .97 56 4742151442114 CLOVER AND I-moray. Clover Owth.
north-- Chicago. per 100 Toledo. per 80 1b 17.40 17.40 Timothy Chicago. per 100 4-500 5.2.5 Toledo. per 45 lbe 2.4541 2.65 2.85 1 1 612V Gold Notes Dated May 1, 1924Due Novernter 1, 1933- NOTICE IS HEREBY GrvEN as provided in the Trust dated May 1, 1924 between Northern States Power Company and Guaranty Trust Company of New York, as Trustee, that SeventT-two Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($72,200.) par value Northern State, Power Company 612 Gold Notes dated May 1.
1924, due November 1, 1933, issued under said Trust Agreement, bearing the following numbers, have been drawn by the Trustee for redemption for the Sinking Fund and will be paid on May 1 1927. at of their par value and accrued interest thereon to that date: NOTES AT $1,000 EACH 1 BIDS AND OFFERS I 35148 837 1288 421 843 1291 443 985 1102 484 1116 1352 500 1165 1556 812 1241 1662 1680 1848 2263 2599 3008 3271 8520 1690 1833 2293 2613 3068 8306 3531 1765 1950 2336 2719 3071 8350 3668 1767 2073 2407 2377 3129 8344 $678 1773 2137 2442 2905 3200 3409 3723 1838 2261 2576 2930 3231 3506 4014 4810 4852 481S 4339 4410 4623 4631 $30,000,000 NOTES AT MO EACH D96 159 201 224 296 431 467 842 880 Range of prices on bids and offers, good all chLy Tuesday. follows: WHEAT. Low. Clone.
Inch. Low. Close. May .1.33 1.32 1.3274t 1.3464 1.34 1.3444j .1.27 1.271 1.271 1.277i 1.281.2S Sept 1.2574 1.25 1.27 1.274 1.27 City of Rome External Loan of 1927 METAL MARKETS. NEW TOREMarch Steady: eleet-olytie.
spot. 13.25e: futures, TINEasy: spot and nearby. May, $6675. IRONSteady: No. 2 f.
0. b. -Eastern Pennsylvania. No. 2.
f. O. b. linfraioo f17.50rie1t400: No. 2 f.
o. b. Alabama, ItI8.00. LEADSteady: 7.45e. East Si.
Louis, spot and futures, 6.60. A.NTLIIONY Spot. 13.500 13.75e. snot, f55 78 6d; futures, 55 17 641: eleetrolytio. 108: ittirea.
i63. TIN Soot, 307. l'724 ed; futures, f296 17s ed. LEADSoot. 1:27: futures, 120 7 ed.
ZINC soot. 1710: futuret4. 1-30 L0171S, 31o.ISpexNal.1LEADDull at 7..300. ZINC-- Slab; quiet at 6.65o. NOTES AT $100 EACH Cl 59 184 213 233 307 323 Holders of the above notes should present them for payment on Cr after May 1.
1927. with the November I 1927 and subsequent coupons attached, at the Trust Department of Guaranty Trust Company of New York. 140 Broadway. New York City. On May 1.
1927 interest on the above notes shall cease and coupons maturing after that date shall be null and void. Coupons payable May I 1927 should be detached and presented for payment in the usual manner. pany of New York. 140 Broadway. New York City.
On May 1. 1927 interest on the above notes shall cease and coupons maturing after that date shall be null and void. Coupons payable May 1. 1927 should be detached and presented for payment in the usual manner. SINKING FUND 612 GOLD BONDS Interest and a sinking fund sufficient to retire the Bonds by maturity provided for by the allocation in the budget of the City of Rome of adequate annuities derived from annual payments by the Kingdom of Italy fixed for a period of 25 years.
CORN. 71 7114 7114 2 7214 72 014 7014 761'4 714 7 7714 7912 79 794) 80 8014 80 OATS. 4314 4314 1314 43 43 43 RYE. 99 p0 00141.0114 1.01 1.0114 g7 07 97 119 09 99 GOOD ALL 11kLE: WEER. Bide Wheat.
Corn. Oata. Wheat. Oats. .1.3014 6914 4214 1.37 73 44 .1.26 7414 421.30 7814 44 May Jny Sep.
I MaI May 1 July May J1117 Doted April 1, 1927 Due April 1, 1952 LONDON WOOL AUCTION. LONDoN March the wool sales held here todar 12,459 halos were offered, of wniolt 11.500 were sold. There wits a fair selection and good demand for line wools at gteati7 rate. Lower grade uocis were slow and occasionally In buyers' favor. Interest payable April 1 and October 1 H2r9 A cumulative Sinking Fund, Payable semi-annually beginning January 1, 1921, and calculated to be sufficient to redeem the entire issue on or before maturity, is to be applied to the purchase of Bonds if obtainable at or below, 100 and accrued interest, or if not so obtainable, to the semi-annual redemption, commencing April 1, 1923, at 100 and accrued interest, of Bonds to be called by lot.
1 Lettp, 12 frt NSW2 DRY GOODS MARKET. NEW YORK. March 2--(tP)Cotton roods were quiet and barely oteady in the rray cloth divisions today; finished roodo orders were numerous in small lotto. Some line of fine worsted rtreas goods have been advanced. Burlaps were higher in Calcutta and locally.
with trading light. MARKET. NE-vv Tonx, Mareh Closed essy May 4140c; July September Smriked ritArwri PTInt 411,4, Redeemable also in whole (but not in part, except or the Sinking Fund) at the option of the City, on April 1,1937, or on any interest date thereafter prior to maturity, upon 45 days' published notice, at 100 and accrued interest. to questions which bother Coupon Bonds los denominations of $1,000, and S100. Principal and interest payable in New York City, either at the office of J.
P. Morgan or at The National City Bank of New York, in gold coin of the United States of America of Iq present standard of weight and fineness, without ded uction for any Italian taxes present or future. II Are You Really an Investment Expert? If so, pass this message by Two MINDS are better than one and to have a corps of financial specialists, led by an eminent Wall Street authority constantly working for you, watching for you this is the greatest insurance for successful service is individual. Its vigilance affects every One of your securities. If heed be, it uses telegraph ot telephone to tell you who, ind what to buy or sell.
It has secured safety of principal, maximum income and profits, wise distribution, for hundreds of subscribing members to 11 endSihErtilIVISITIT Manufacturers and Dealers: Protect your goods with genuine MOSINEE Paper and Bags. Busy America gives its packages rough handling, which calls for tough wrap. ping paperpreferably MOSINEE. Intander-Cteindizz Paper Co. Chicago Co.
Chicago Iltzmond NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY, ByR. J. GRAF. Vice President Dated, Chicago, February 14, 1927. gb 1 I I NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY, I ByR.
J. GRAF. Vice President. I Dated, Chicago, in, February 14, 1927. .1 1 4::, -rt iii 101 1.
qt 1 i III It (II .1 i 11 it- ilil II 1 Kw ill 1 ,1. i. I i 1 11111 11,11111 I re- II ill1111 ilitillilill A' I 1 i ii 11 11111111111111 I lit 11 vilil4 I I I' 1 li II 1 IILI ,41 m.111016111; ill! II I 1 1 44,1, 4 Ic 7 ill 11111 I l' 11 1 11 I I l' OP' 11 II 11 I (4'1 ''-41 4 ill Mil ,1 1111 11 VIJ--1-'4)-'J 1 1 1 10111 1 9Zaz 1:1, 1L 1, I iii II 'illiliiiii IA ---1 1 11 i I 4 1,11.0 IA 1 I '111111 111 Hill 1 i i 1 fr.) III i4i IiIIIITIFITTH, el ypl; ,11 i 11 J44-1'01111111111 11111111 WARNING! Look lot 4 7.44'' this famous Indian Trade Mark on every Roll and 1 ill tu 8 anu ac rers and Dealers: Protect your goods with genuine MOSINEE Paper and Bags. Busy America gives its packages rough handling, which calls for tough wrap. ping paperpreferably MOSINEE.
Inlander -Steindlzr Paper Co. Chicago Co. ChIcazo Iltzmond Ilaymarket ale SIN Cittgo 0200 Itamnagynd 169! Distribufors 0 :0) 2-; ar I 1 Laior 3 --the UnlIcirm Pep. SIMINEEMINENNINIMINIMO I many investors How can you tell what gives a first mortgage bond absolute safety? How can you get the highest income from your money, consistent with safety? How can you select a safe investment house? How can you retire in 15 years on your present living budget? how can you get more than double the savings bank interest rate, with all the convenience? How can you judge the security back of a first mortgage bond? NS-hat is the history of the first mom-gage bond in Chicago? Why can Cochran McCluer sell first mortgage bonds in every state of the Union without salesmen? Al! of these questions and many others vital to investors are answered in the new edition of a famous book, "Behind the Scenes Where Bonds Are Made." Get your copy now. We'll gladly send it.
No salesman will call If, 1 I 11. i 1 i 1 1 I 4 4 I 1 1 I 1 i 1 i L) 1 I 1 i 1 1 i I i 1 I 1 I Prince Ludovica Spada Potenciani, Governor of Rome, has authorized the following statement the City and this issue of Bonds: GENERAL Rome, with a population of about people, is the capital of Italy and the center of its political life. The Kingdom of Italy exercises SUPerViSiOM over the affairs of the City, and under statutory pro- visions makes annual contributions to its budget, thus sharing the expenses of the National capital and aiding in its program of public improvements. SECURITY These Bonds are to be direct obligations of the City of Rome. 7ts addition to its ordinary municipal revenues, the City of Rome is also to receive for a period of 25 years, under authority of Royal Decree Law of March 21, 1921, No.
370, certain annuities payable to the City by the Kingdom of Italy, mentioned in Artide 1 of such Decree. By appropriate action is accordance therewith, the City of Rome has set aside such annuities in its budget, to be applied, up to the amount required, to the service of these Bonds. The Kingdom of Italy, having agreed to purchase from the City of Rome the proceeds of this Loan, has undertake to resell to the City. at the same ex-chance rate, the dollars required to meet interest and sinking fund payments on the Bonds when and as such payments fall due. At such exchange rate, the annuities alone, which are payable by the Government, will be more than suf.
ficent to provide the interest and amortization payments of the Loan, independently of the other revenues of the City. DEBT AND The funded debt of the City. including this issue (constitutinc it; only external debt) and all contingent PROPERTY liabilities, will amount to the equivalent of approximately $17,209,000, or less than $60 per capita. Annual budgetary revenues amount to more than $11,000,000. The City owns water works, electric light, power and street railway systems which have a value substantially in excess of its funded debt.
PURPOSE The proceeds of this Loan will be used for additions and improvements to the above-mentiosted mnxicipal OF ISSUE undertakings, and for housine and other public works. Over two-thirds of these projected expenditures are for purposes which will be directly productive of revenue. Conversiass of lire figures into dollars in above statement has been made at approximately current exchange i Richard D.Wyckoff Analytical Staff, Inc. THE ABOVE BONDS ARE OFFERED FOR SUBSCRIPTION, SUB) C7 TO THE CONDITIONS STATED BELOW, AT 91 AND ACCRUED INTEREST, TO YIELD 0 VER 725 TO MATURITY. SEND ME Cochran 4St.
McClure Co. 40 North Deorhortt St. Chicago 111- 1 3 2 9 Gentlemen: Please expel wrm- 1 sot tobilanstine you'd boott Behind rrs the Scene. Where Sonde Ara Made." I'io salesman will call. I Subscription books will be opened at the office of J.
P. Morgan Co. at 10 o'clock A. 31., Tuesday, March, 29,1927. The right is reserved to reject any and all applications, and also, in any case, to award smaller amounts than applied for.
All subscriptions will be received subject to due delivery to us of the Bonds, and to approval by counsel of rclevc-nt documents and authorizations. The amounts due on allotments will be payable at the office of J. P. Morgan in New York funds to their order, and the date of payment (on or about April 12, 1927) twill be stated in the notices of allotment. Temporary Ilonds or 'Interim Certificates will be delivered, pending the preparation and delivery of the definitive Bonds.
Opertotiog Sloe, 1920 IC neither Ivy's not sells cottsdmting art unbiased advisory service available to investors or those who may desire to enter the market under such favorable guidance. And the booklet! Don't forget to send for ita pithy, instructive insight into the stock olarket from a past-rnasters view. point. followed by a description of Wyckoff Service that will be a revelation of sound sensean opportunity for real investment success. Mail it today.
Ifyou prefer call for you booklet at ourChicago Office, Contimmtal and Contmertilt! Dank We shall be Omsk-4 to crocus; your Our telephotte number is Cestcral 0781. COLIPO'N Lickwert D. Wyg. koff Analytical SottE, 42 Broadway. New N.
Y. Goncietnen: I should to bow" lett. Wrckork itookArt tree this of the esseanais for sutures sod the one soorces Of otrotate frocrwiecime cci invernox etui eactome tom cents to covet otatitos. Nowt Aromas A a a Adam a a a a a Co cora Cos' Wailer 40 NORT11 DEARBORN firm Piloroo Contra 0930 I I 09 Bryn' Mawr A Immo ea N. Litracept Aweibue J.P.MORGAN CO.
THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY FIRST NATIONAL BANK, New York U. Engineer 01 be, Zi37 kroposa.13 received here until 10:30 A. AL. vtaPdard, little April 14, and then opene. furnishing and delivering ertirhed Lc'ne gravel II rhleago Harbor, J.Ihnuta.
Further on artilleation. New York, March 29,1927 NOKIkt WAY COMPANY NOTICE OF ANNUAL lifETTINO 1 The abAAAA Ikuo.A..A,A.L. a -so-4 a 1 the ituoi Autta Western dsdaiwsl Coma ban, will be held la, the odic of the cow West Boulevard. in tos tit 01 thicaso, Illinois on Toesdas, APri- 12. 19-27.
at eieven o'clock zu-. for the election of diretor and this transaction of such other business ea toas count before, said meeting, Tbe books for the transfer ot stock Nv111 be closed on Thursday. March 10. 10V1 et the close of bustoeT4 on that dal, ankt will 27. be reopened on Wednesday.
aprd, 13. 19 Dated. Nebruary 15, 1927. FEED W. SARGENT'.
T. President. 30Ing D. CAT-DWELL. U.
S. Ince. I' So. liestbGrt: Chiclago, Propose4 mom ett here 10:00 A. 1416a' time: April 14, E427, and then opened, tor turniehing and Barpt eltit'ede hole.
Further tnforntaiton The above offering is confined to corporations, brokers, and dealers in securities, and to banks, trust companies, insurance companies and associations organized under the banking or insurance lows of Illinois or of the United States. PriAtsat Address, .01 144 I Sales rylanager IVanted I or.11y man of proven ability I Address 508, Tribun MN r. Engiro.e 637 so. Doortworn St Cilitaso, JALSealed Propomils Pf.g.11Voki a hil A Mt received here 11 :00 A. titanoaro $.
vertise Th Tbi tune. April 14. 1 then 927. and en opened. Ad for urn liatunt anti delivering, cement in ri une at Cnicairl llarbor.
Illatiotta lux ther Infortnatlua 03.