Nightcrawler. 2014.DVDSCR.ac3.XViD ACAB.[] - [PDF Document] (2024)

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    100:03:04,250 --> 00:03:08,380Hey, guys. What do y'allthinkthe deal is with those clowns?

    200:03:08,488 --> 00:03:11,457I don't know, but we'renotexpecting supplies.

    300:03:11,558 --> 00:03:14,356Hey, Rod.Where you goin',man?

    400:03:14,460 --> 00:03:17,725To pack. We're done here.

    500:03:40,019 --> 00:03:42,487This is bullsh*t.You knew aboutthis.

    600:03:42,589 --> 00:03:44,580Kelly. What can I do foryou?

    700:03:44,691 --> 00:03:49,822- You're closing me down.- I amnot closing you down.Atlanta is closing you down.

    800:03:49,929 --> 00:03:51,863You said you'd back me all theway.

    900:03:51,965 --> 00:03:54,433And you said you'd find oilhere.

    1000:04:20,226 --> 00:04:23,024Frank Towns, right?

    1100:04:23,129 --> 00:04:25,097Hi. I'm Kelly Johnson.

    1200:04:25,198 --> 00:04:27,666- Hi, Kelly.- It's my rig.

    1300:04:27,767 --> 00:04:30,327- Oh.- So, how long wegot?

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    1400:04:30,470 --> 00:04:34,406Just as long as it takes tocap that welland get your crew on the plane.

    1500:04:36,743 --> 00:04:39,371This is bullsh*t!

    1600:04:39,479 --> 00:04:43,142You can't just show upand shutus down.

    1700:04:43,249 --> 00:04:46,446Yeah? Well, just watch me.

    1800:04:46,552 --> 00:04:50,852Yeah, yeah. I've heard yourreputation."Shut It Down" Towns.


    00:04:50,957 --> 00:04:52,857I thought it was inflated.

    2000:04:52,959 --> 00:04:56,554You know, you screw up...

    2100:04:56,663 --> 00:04:58,824you pay the price.

    2200:04:58,931 --> 00:05:01,126

    Nobody here screwed up.

    2300:05:01,267 --> 00:05:05,431Really? Well, somebodysomewherethinks that you did.

    2400:05:08,207 --> 00:05:11,233You owe me 10 bucks. She's aredhead.

    2500:05:15,615 --> 00:05:19,210

    You really enjoy your job,don't you, Towns?

    2600:05:19,319 --> 00:05:21,787Kelly, right?

    2700:05:21,888 --> 00:05:24,857Kelly, there are fewthings

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    I do enjoy...

    2800:05:24,957 --> 00:05:28,324but getting my balls brokenwhile I'mtrying to do my job isn't one of them.

    2900:05:28,428 --> 00:05:32,262Now, get your sh*t packed, getyour crewtogether and load this airplane.

    3000:05:32,365 --> 00:05:35,664And by the way, when we reachBeijing,you're off the clock.

    3100:05:35,802 --> 00:05:37,702Have a nice day.

    3200:05:37,804 --> 00:05:40,136- Thanks very much.

    - AJ.

    3300:05:40,239 --> 00:05:42,833- Yeah.- Let's get thisgarbage out of here.

    3400:05:53,820 --> 00:05:56,414- Nice.- Good job. Niceone.


    00:05:56,522 --> 00:05:59,650These oil rigs...

    3600:05:59,759 --> 00:06:02,159they attract the sorriestbunchof zeroes ever.

    3700:06:02,261 --> 00:06:05,094- Who tied that up?- Need alittle help, man?

    3800:06:05,198 --> 00:06:08,099- Yeah, right.- We're gonna befine. Thanks.

    3900:06:10,837 --> 00:06:13,305Come on.Let's clear this sh*tup, man.

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    4000:06:13,406 --> 00:06:17,001- Help me out.- I justfinished loading this thing up, man!

    4100:06:17,110 --> 00:06:19,078What a team.

    4200:06:28,388 --> 00:06:30,356- Oh, man!- Hold up, man.

    4300:06:30,456 --> 00:06:33,323- Davis, what are you doing?-You know I do this when I get on a plane.

    4400:06:33,426 --> 00:06:35,553- It's good luck, all right? Iain't crashed yet.- Come on. Move it.

    4500:06:35,661 --> 00:06:37,822You keep talking likethat,you're gonna jinx us.

    4600:06:37,930 --> 00:06:40,660- I ain't jinxin' us. This isfor good luck.- Settle down.

    4700:06:40,767 --> 00:06:42,758Hey!

    4800:06:42,869 --> 00:06:47,306- You ladies calm down.- Youwant to try pushing me into my seat?

    4900:06:47,440 --> 00:06:51,035- You must be Rodney.-Mm-hmm.

    5000:06:51,144 --> 00:06:54,272

    I knew this guy that workedwith you out in Kuwait.

    5100:06:54,380 --> 00:06:57,872Didn't that rig get shut downtoo?

    5200:06:57,984 --> 00:07:00,885What's your problem?

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    We're the ones losing our jobs.

    5300:07:00,987 --> 00:07:05,390We're the ones who had to flyto this sh*t holeand pick up all the garbage.

    5400:07:05,491 --> 00:07:08,153Okay, guys. Knock it off.

    5500:07:08,261 --> 00:07:11,253You ladies have a safeflight.

    5600:07:12,698 --> 00:07:14,598Lucky he walked away.

    5700:07:20,306 --> 00:07:23,275Yes, I... I think you may finditmore comfortable back there...

    5800:07:23,409 --> 00:07:26,276with the rest of them.

    5900:07:26,379 --> 00:07:28,347Sure.

    6000:07:32,885 --> 00:07:34,785Ticktock, Liddle.


    00:07:34,887 --> 00:07:37,720Yeah. Don't get too attached toit.I'm gonna want it back.

    6200:07:37,824 --> 00:07:40,884- We're all set?- Looks likewe got one more.

    6300:07:40,993 --> 00:07:44,292That can't be. Everybody'shere.

    6400:07:44,397 --> 00:07:47,127I'll let him know he'swalkin'.

    6500:07:48,301 --> 00:07:50,326I guess I need a ride toBeijing.

    6600:07:50,470 --> 00:07:52,904

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    Not on this flight, Goober.

    6700:07:55,107 --> 00:07:58,702Anybody know who this guyis?

    6800:07:58,811 --> 00:08:01,336It's a long story.

    6900:08:08,120 --> 00:08:10,987Get on board. A.J., start usup.

    7000:08:11,090 --> 00:08:13,149You're the boss, Frank.

    7100:08:24,270 --> 00:08:26,864Okay. All set, Mr.President.

    7200:08:27,006 --> 00:08:31,136

    I think it's about that time thatwe do the checklist as the twoBills.

    7300:08:31,244 --> 00:08:33,144What do you say, buddy?

    7400:08:33,246 --> 00:08:36,044Well, why changea good thing?Go ahead, good buddy.


    00:08:36,148 --> 00:08:39,709Allow me to grab mybulletin.Seat belts.

    7600:08:39,819 --> 00:08:43,016I always like to have a littlesomethingstrapped to my lap.

    7700:08:43,122 --> 00:08:45,989Check.

    7800:08:46,092 --> 00:08:48,060Windows, doors andhatches.

    7900:08:48,160 --> 00:08:51,527Closed and securedso no onecan disturb us.


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    00:09:01,374 --> 00:09:04,070Water injection.

    8100:09:04,176 --> 00:09:06,337That's what she said.

    8200:09:06,445 --> 00:09:08,345Check.

    8300:09:08,447 --> 00:09:10,347Gyros.

    8400:09:10,449 --> 00:09:13,680Set and uncaged,just likeyours truly.

    8500:09:13,786 --> 00:09:16,346And last, but not least, cowflaps.

    8600:09:16,455 --> 00:09:19,583Till the cows come home.

    8700:09:19,692 --> 00:09:22,160I think we're ready to go.Yougonna kiss your lucky man?

    8800:09:22,261 --> 00:09:24,456- I'll make it happen rightnow.- Clear left.

    8900:09:24,564 --> 00:09:28,261- Clear right.- All right.Here we go.

    9000:10:08,140 --> 00:10:10,870My wife was pregnantwith thislittle guy when I left.

    9100:10:10,977 --> 00:10:12,945

    I haven't even met him yet.

    9200:10:13,045 --> 00:10:16,606That's nice. You must reallybelooking forward to getting home.

    9300:10:16,716 --> 00:10:18,684You have no idea.

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    9400:10:20,353 --> 00:10:22,514- You wanna see my family,bro?- Yeah.

    9500:10:22,622 --> 00:10:25,648Check her out, man.She's mywhole life.

    9600:10:25,758 --> 00:10:28,727- When I get back home,I'mgonna open up a restaurant.- Yeah?

    9700:10:28,828 --> 00:10:31,524Yeah. Sammi and Sandra'sSweetSalsa Shop.

    9800:10:31,631 --> 00:10:34,156

    That's tight, right? You like that?

    9900:10:34,266 --> 00:10:36,461How do I know her though?Shelook familiar.

    10000:10:36,602 --> 00:10:40,766- What you talking 'bout,man? You don't know her.- Yeah, yeah, I do.


    00:10:40,906 --> 00:10:44,137Oh, now I recognize her.

    10200:11:03,029 --> 00:11:05,020That's a big one, Frank.

    10300:11:05,131 --> 00:11:07,031What do you want to do?

    10400:11:07,133 --> 00:11:10,000

    - Try kissing that lucky man again.- Frank.

    10500:11:10,136 --> 00:11:12,730If we go back,we'd have toget refueled.

    10600:11:12,872 --> 00:11:14,999

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    God knows how long that'd take.

    10700:11:15,141 --> 00:11:17,871Let's go up to 14. I've neverseen onego that high before.

    10800:11:17,977 --> 00:11:21,310Give me full power. Watch theclimb.About 700 feet a minute.

    10900:11:21,414 --> 00:11:23,541You're the boss, Frank.

    11000:11:41,100 --> 00:11:43,091Jesus.

    11100:11:43,202 --> 00:11:45,261What the hell was that?

    11200:11:45,404 --> 00:11:48,965- That was the aerial,Frank.- Oh, great.

    11300:11:49,108 --> 00:11:52,202- I'll go in the back andcalm them down.- Got it.

    11400:11:54,313 --> 00:11:57,339Hello again, ladies.

    11500:11:57,450 --> 00:12:00,385As the frequent fliersamongstyou can probably tell...

    11600:12:00,486 --> 00:12:03,046we're experiencingsometurbulence this morning...

    11700:12:03,155 --> 00:12:05,988

    so I kindly ask you to remain seated...

    11800:12:06,092 --> 00:12:09,584and try not to sh*tyourselvesall over my airplane.

    11900:12:09,695 --> 00:12:13,597- What was that noise justnow?

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    - Everything's fine.

    12000:12:13,699 --> 00:12:16,429A wind gust just tore off theaerial,but we're gonna keep going.

    12100:12:16,569 --> 00:12:20,665- The aerial for the radio?-No, the one for the satellite TV.

    12200:12:20,806 --> 00:12:22,603- Genius.- Christ, just turnaround.

    12300:12:22,708 --> 00:12:24,505Thank you so much.

    12400:12:55,207 --> 00:13:00,372Excuse me. Excuse me!

    You planning on flying over the storm?

    12500:13:00,479 --> 00:13:02,845Wanna close that doorand getthe hell back to your seat?

    12600:13:02,948 --> 00:13:05,644- I believe you're tooheavy.- Will you deal with this?


    00:13:08,821 --> 00:13:12,621- Look like it's goin' higher.-We'll go around it.

    12800:13:12,725 --> 00:13:15,057Set a course 1-8-0 duesouth.

    12900:13:15,161 --> 00:13:17,322About 200 miles oughta doit.


    00:13:17,429 --> 00:13:19,329Copy. 1-8-0.

    13100:13:24,703 --> 00:13:27,171We won't make it.The plane isoverweight.

    13200:13:34,513 --> 00:13:37,004

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    Never as bad as this.

    13300:13:40,719 --> 00:13:44,519All right.We're comin' aroundit. Okay.

    13400:13:44,623 --> 00:13:46,420Okay.

    13500:13:48,494 --> 00:13:50,257Oh, God.

    13600:13:52,998 --> 00:13:56,058Come on!

    13700:13:58,204 --> 00:14:00,069We're in trouble here,A.J.


    00:14:00,172 --> 00:14:04,108Check the map.Find the nearestplace we can set it down.

    13900:14:04,210 --> 00:14:07,771Lhugar's our best shot,butit's 300 miles south of the basin.

    14000:14:07,880 --> 00:14:09,609Maybe we can outrun it.

    14100:14:17,556 --> 00:14:21,515Lhugar radio, this is AmacoreTransport,8- 7-3-Bravo. Over.

    14200:14:26,699 --> 00:14:30,430Our location is approximately40 degrees,nine minutes north latitude...

    14300:14:30,569 --> 00:14:33,43684 degrees, 42 minutes eastlongitude.

    14400:14:33,539 --> 00:14:36,167- Here we go.- You puttin'the gear down?

    14500:14:36,275 --> 00:14:39,711Never get it back up again ifwe don't.

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    14600:14:39,845 --> 00:14:42,746Mayday, mayday!Repeat.Mayday, mayday!

    14700:14:42,848 --> 00:14:45,146Any stations copy?

    14800:14:45,251 --> 00:14:47,116A.J., ready thepassengers.

    14900:14:53,092 --> 00:14:56,755- Listen up. We got a majorproblem.- Oh, God.

    15000:14:56,862 --> 00:14:59,262Looks like we have to makeanemergency landing.


    00:14:59,365 --> 00:15:02,300- Oh, sh*t.- Make sure you'restrapped in.

    15200:15:02,434 --> 00:15:06,063And if you believe inGod,it's time you call in a favor.

    15300:15:17,549 --> 00:15:19,244Oh, God!

    15400:15:19,351 --> 00:15:21,649A. J!

    15500:15:27,893 --> 00:15:29,520Come on, baby. Come on.

    15600:15:33,565 --> 00:15:35,999Oh, crap!


    00:16:30,022 --> 00:16:33,719No! Oh! Aah! Help!

    15800:16:44,570 --> 00:16:46,333Oh, God!

    15900:17:35,287 --> 00:17:37,255Everybody okay?

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    16000:17:43,128 --> 00:17:45,221Everybody okay?

    16100:17:45,330 --> 00:17:47,298A.J.?

    16200:17:51,203 --> 00:17:55,003A. J!

    16300:17:55,107 --> 00:17:57,507- I'm okay.- You allright?

    16400:17:57,609 --> 00:18:00,305Are you hurt?

    16500:18:00,412 --> 00:18:02,312

    Dr. Gerber's on board.

    16600:18:02,414 --> 00:18:05,247Where is he?

    16700:18:05,350 --> 00:18:08,649He's right here.

    16800:18:10,255 --> 00:18:12,223Jesus! Fire!

    16900:18:18,197 --> 00:18:20,597Hey! Hey, where do youthinkyou're going?

    17000:18:20,699 --> 00:18:23,793- I can't stay in here, man.I can't breathe!- Hey!

    17100:18:23,936 --> 00:18:26,928

    That storm is blowin'a hundred miles an hour out there!

    17200:18:27,072 --> 00:18:30,906It'll take your skin offbefore you get five feet.Now sit down! Sit down!

    17300:18:31,009 --> 00:18:33,944

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    Everybody sit down!

    17400:18:37,382 --> 00:18:40,180Were you able to send amaydaybefore we came down?

    17500:18:41,954 --> 00:18:45,048We got no response.Theradio's down.

    17600:18:45,157 --> 00:18:48,684Someone's coming forusthough, right? Right?

    17700:18:48,794 --> 00:18:51,888Just as soon as the storm isover.

    17800:18:51,997 --> 00:18:53,624They know where to look forus?

    17900:18:53,732 --> 00:18:57,065We don't have the same kindofradar tracking we have in the States.

    18000:18:57,202 --> 00:19:00,763- Oh, fantastic.- And it's abig desert, isn't it?

    18100:19:04,042 --> 00:19:08,172

    We were, uh, due to refuelin Langhu right about...

    18200:19:08,280 --> 00:19:11,511right about now, so it'lltake 'ema couple of hours to miss us.

    18300:19:11,617 --> 00:19:15,519So for right now,everybodyjust sit tight.

    18400:19:15,621 --> 00:19:17,612Conserve your oxygen.

    18500:19:19,791 --> 00:19:24,490Hey, Captain? Don't thinkwedon't know what you did.


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    00:19:26,398 --> 00:19:28,958Not many pilots, youknow,could've done that...

    18700:19:29,101 --> 00:19:31,626so... thank you.

    18800:19:33,438 --> 00:19:35,406Yes. Thank you, Captain.

    18900:19:52,491 --> 00:19:54,618Yeah!

    19000:19:54,726 --> 00:19:57,456It's like being in anhourglass.

    19100:20:02,868 --> 00:20:06,964I'm just a chef, but even Iknow ain't no waya cell phone's gonna work out here.

    19200:20:07,105 --> 00:20:09,835Well, there's no harm intrying, is there?

    19300:20:09,942 --> 00:20:13,002You never know.You neverknow.

    19400:20:13,111 --> 00:20:17,172I think the company man'slosing it.

    19500:20:17,282 --> 00:20:19,978What the hell are youlaughing at?This is your fault!

    19600:20:20,085 --> 00:20:23,282- Why is it his fault?- Allthat stuff about jinxes.

    19700:20:23,388 --> 00:20:26,687

    You can't talk like that sittingin a plane on the bloodytarmac!

    19800:20:26,792 --> 00:20:29,625- You're the one who put thejinx on us.- Oh, shut up.

    19900:20:31,196 --> 00:20:33,164

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    What'd I tell you?

    20000:20:34,900 --> 00:20:37,425Bunch of zeroes.

    20100:21:43,135 --> 00:21:46,730Shouldn't somebody saysomethin'?

    20200:21:49,975 --> 00:21:52,375Captain?

    20300:22:02,688 --> 00:22:06,215I don't think I'm the rightperson.

    20400:22:24,676 --> 00:22:27,167What the helldo they expectme to say?


    00:22:27,279 --> 00:22:29,247I don't even know thoseguys.

    20600:22:29,348 --> 00:22:31,816Maybe to say you'resorry.

    20700:22:43,662 --> 00:22:47,928You're looking to join thosetwo?Keep it up.


    00:23:18,730 --> 00:23:20,755So what's his story?

    20900:23:20,866 --> 00:23:22,834- Who, him?- Yeah.

    21000:23:22,968 --> 00:23:25,937He just blew in one day.


    00:23:27,472 --> 00:23:30,168Blew in in the middleof theMongolian desert?

    21200:23:30,275 --> 00:23:33,472Said he was taking a year offwork,hitching around the world.


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    00:23:33,578 --> 00:23:37,105He was supposed to fly out a fewweeks ago.His ride never came.

    21400:23:37,215 --> 00:23:40,150He's been stuck with us eversince.

    21500:23:52,097 --> 00:23:53,997Not bad.

    21600:23:56,735 --> 00:23:59,169- That's the last one.- Allright.

    21700:23:59,271 --> 00:24:01,501Well, we got a decent amountof water.

    21800:24:01,606 --> 00:24:04,074We each drink a pint aday...

    21900:24:04,176 --> 00:24:07,907that gives us enough forabout 30 days,if we don't exert ourselves.

    22000:24:08,013 --> 00:24:11,107Which I'm guessin' wasn't aconcernwith the rest of this crew.

    22100:24:11,216 --> 00:24:14,185

    I don't see you breaking a sweat, stud.

    22200:24:16,288 --> 00:24:18,381- Hey, chef!- Yo.

    22300:24:18,490 --> 00:24:20,856Chef, how are we doin' onfood?

    22400:24:20,959 --> 00:24:24,759

    Well, the good news is thatbesides the powdered eggs...

    22500:24:24,863 --> 00:24:27,991all the food's been cannedinwater or juice.

    22600:24:28,099 --> 00:24:32,502

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    The bad news is, it's all peachesand hearts of palm.

    22700:24:34,840 --> 00:24:37,308Well, that buys usa coupleextra days.

    22800:24:37,409 --> 00:24:39,434Ain't that just greatnews.

    22900:24:52,657 --> 00:24:54,625So how screwed are we?

    23000:24:56,428 --> 00:24:58,692Pretty screwed.

    23100:24:58,797 --> 00:25:00,822Where are we?

    23200:25:00,932 --> 00:25:04,891Somewhere around here, in themiddle ofthe Yol Valley, 200 miles west of our course.

    23300:25:06,204 --> 00:25:09,367- We're still in Mongolia?-Nah.

    23400:25:09,474 --> 00:25:11,408I think we're in China.

    23500:25:11,510 --> 00:25:13,842Just over the border.

    23600:25:13,945 --> 00:25:17,938Wouldn't suppose there'd beaFour Seasons Hotel out here, would there?

    23700:25:20,619 --> 00:25:24,885Langhu, a few hundredmiles

    just due south of here.

    23800:25:24,990 --> 00:25:27,424Well out of walkingrange.

    23900:25:30,228 --> 00:25:34,130I could make it.I could walkto Langhu.

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    24000:25:34,232 --> 00:25:36,723I'm in good shape.I ran threemarathons.

    24100:25:36,868 --> 00:25:39,336In a row, I hope.

    24200:25:40,772 --> 00:25:43,172Have you walked in the desertbefore?

    24300:25:44,376 --> 00:25:46,606I hiked in the Mojave with mygirlfriend.

    24400:25:46,711 --> 00:25:49,236This isn't the Mojave.

    24500:25:49,347 --> 00:25:54,182

    This is the Gobi. And let me warn you,July is the hottest monthin the Gobi.

    24600:25:54,286 --> 00:25:58,416You will be taking a pint ofwater,and you'll sweat 10.

    24700:26:02,060 --> 00:26:04,585I'll just go by night.


    00:26:04,696 --> 00:26:08,132You'd have to.But how would youkeep your course?

    24900:26:08,233 --> 00:26:10,064A compass.

    25000:26:10,201 --> 00:26:15,138Beyond these dunes,we aresurrounded by Altai Mountains.

    25100:26:15,240 --> 00:26:17,470And they are mostly magneticrock.

    25200:26:19,444 --> 00:26:21,844Have you ever seen a compassdance?

    25300:26:26,451 --> 00:26:29,318

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    What about this map?I'll just take this map.

    25400:26:29,421 --> 00:26:31,855How old is that map,Captain?

    25500:26:31,957 --> 00:26:35,256Too old, the way the sandshiftsaround here all the time.

    25600:26:35,360 --> 00:26:39,319And Captain Towns'scalculationscould be off by 20 percent.

    25700:26:39,431 --> 00:26:43,197- No offense. I'm not sayingthat they are.- None taken.

    25800:26:43,335 --> 00:26:46,304

    But even if the captainis one percent in error...

    25900:26:46,404 --> 00:26:48,998and you march 300 miles bythe stars...

    26000:26:49,140 --> 00:26:52,735you'd miss Langhu, and youwouldn'teven know it was there to miss.


    00:26:52,844 --> 00:26:54,744You'd be walking in acircle.

    26200:26:54,846 --> 00:26:56,905- You're right-handed?-Right.

    26300:26:57,015 --> 00:27:01,315That means your right leg'smore developedthan your left. You take a longer step with it.

    26400:27:01,419 --> 00:27:03,785You'd be walkingin aleft-handed circle.

    26500:27:03,888 --> 00:27:06,448You know what?Forget it, allright? Y'all win, okay?

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    26600:27:06,558 --> 00:27:09,288This isn't about winning orlosing.

    26700:27:09,394 --> 00:27:11,862This is about stayingalive.

    26800:27:28,079 --> 00:27:29,979Hey, Rod?

    26900:27:30,081 --> 00:27:31,844Hmm?

    27000:27:33,184 --> 00:27:36,483You don't...

    27100:27:36,588 --> 00:27:39,216You don't think the suit wasright...

    27200:27:39,324 --> 00:27:41,519do you?

    27300:27:41,626 --> 00:27:43,719That I jinxed us or...

    27400:27:45,030 --> 00:27:47,498Don't worry about it,John.


    00:27:49,801 --> 00:27:52,292Just try and get some sleep.

    27600:28:36,715 --> 00:28:40,048Maybe I should save this.

    27700:28:52,330 --> 00:28:54,264God!

    27800:28:56,701 --> 00:28:58,669

    Oh, man.

    27900:29:02,674 --> 00:29:04,574Hello?

    28000:29:16,955 --> 00:29:18,980Help me!

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    28100:29:47,619 --> 00:29:50,918Kelly. You seen Davis thismorning?

    28200:29:51,022 --> 00:29:53,957Knowing him, he's stillsleeping.

    28300:29:54,058 --> 00:29:56,117- Go wake his ass up.-Davis!

    28400:29:56,227 --> 00:29:58,695Get up, you big baby!

    28500:30:00,398 --> 00:30:03,060Davis!

    28600:30:03,201 --> 00:30:05,829- Wake your ass up, man.

    - Davis?

    28700:30:10,041 --> 00:30:13,169Well?

    28800:30:13,278 --> 00:30:15,075His stuff s all here.

    28900:30:15,180 --> 00:30:17,580Any of you lads seen Davisthis morning?

    29000:30:17,682 --> 00:30:19,445He's not there.

    29100:30:22,787 --> 00:30:24,687Davis!

    29200:30:24,789 --> 00:30:27,087- This was you...- Davis?

    29300:30:27,192 --> 00:30:29,660- Telling him he jinxed us.-Davis!

    29400:30:29,761 --> 00:30:32,059- Oh, come on. I didn't meanthat.- Quit screwing around!

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    29500:30:32,163 --> 00:30:34,131- Davis!- He couldn't havegone far.

    29600:30:34,232 --> 00:30:37,224- Could he? Could he?- Yo,Davis!

    29700:30:37,335 --> 00:30:41,431- How the hell could we losesomeone? Davis!- John!

    29800:30:41,573 --> 00:30:44,303We should have pairedup.Someone should have been watching him.

    29900:30:44,409 --> 00:30:46,377Hey! Not another word fromyou.

    You hear me?

    30000:30:46,511 --> 00:30:50,106- This ain't funny no more!-John!

    30100:30:50,215 --> 00:30:52,877- Davis!- Davis!


    00:30:52,984 --> 00:30:56,112- John!- Davis!

    30300:30:56,221 --> 00:30:59,486- Davis!- It's coming.

    30400:31:00,892 --> 00:31:03,326Davis!

    30500:31:06,297 --> 00:31:09,425He's got to be out heresomewhere.I've got to go find him!

    30600:31:09,534 --> 00:31:11,934Too late, Rodney!


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    00:31:12,070 --> 00:31:14,038Hey! Get back here!

    30800:31:14,138 --> 00:31:17,471Right. I'm not losing anotherfriend out here.I have to go and find him!

    30900:31:17,575 --> 00:31:19,907No! No one else dies,understand?

    31000:31:20,011 --> 00:31:21,979He's only a kid, for Christ'ssake!

    31100:31:22,080 --> 00:31:24,674- Alex! Alex!- God! Jesus!John!

    31200:31:24,782 --> 00:31:28,240Alex! Towns is right! He'sright!

    31300:31:28,353 --> 00:31:30,651- You can't help him!-John!

    31400:31:30,755 --> 00:31:33,747- You can't.- John!

    31500:32:11,963 --> 00:32:16,263

    What kind of odds do you give usa search party's gonna findus?

    31600:32:17,402 --> 00:32:19,461About five percent.

    31700:32:19,604 --> 00:32:21,572Right. Five percent.

    31800:32:21,673 --> 00:32:23,971

    So, based on a five-percent chance...

    31900:32:24,075 --> 00:32:27,374you're gonna chooseto sit onyour ass and do nothing?

    32000:32:28,947 --> 00:32:30,847As opposed to what?

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    32100:32:30,949 --> 00:32:33,816Trying to figure a way out ofhere.

    32200:32:33,918 --> 00:32:37,684- Look, we are in the middleof a desert...- Yes. I know.

    32300:32:37,789 --> 00:32:40,553With no radio, very littlewater,even less food.

    32400:32:40,658 --> 00:32:43,650If we try to walk out ofhere,we're gonna last about two days.

    32500:32:43,761 --> 00:32:47,026The odds of crashing anairplaneare certainly less than five percent...

    32600:32:47,131 --> 00:32:49,258so I would consider myselfanoptimist.

    32700:32:49,367 --> 00:32:51,699Or maybe just an asshole.

    32800:33:00,812 --> 00:33:03,713All right.

    32900:33:03,815 --> 00:33:09,082Listen, since Davis justdisappeared,they're pretty freaked out.

    33000:33:09,187 --> 00:33:11,815- They should be.- They'relooking to you.

    33100:33:11,923 --> 00:33:14,050

    Lady, this is not the Girl Scouts.

    33200:33:14,158 --> 00:33:17,992I am not everybody's denmother.They are grown men. They can deal with it.

    33300:33:18,096 --> 00:33:20,530Thanks a lot.

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    33400:33:21,733 --> 00:33:23,701You're welcome.

    33500:33:34,812 --> 00:33:37,781Kelly, please, come sit withme.

    33600:33:39,417 --> 00:33:41,385I'm just curious.

    33700:33:41,486 --> 00:33:44,944The pipe jacket in theback...what's it all worth?

    33800:33:45,056 --> 00:33:48,389Not much.It's worn or usedup. Nothing.


    00:33:48,493 --> 00:33:50,620It's the same with thetools.

    34000:33:50,728 --> 00:33:52,423Why?

    34100:33:53,865 --> 00:33:56,834Hang on a minute.

    34200:33:56,934 --> 00:33:59,425

    You don't think anybody's coming.

    34300:33:59,537 --> 00:34:01,528Do you?

    34400:34:01,672 --> 00:34:05,699- Well, do you?- I don'tknow, Alex.

    34500:34:07,812 --> 00:34:09,643

    Don't be pathetic.

    34600:34:09,747 --> 00:34:12,773I'm telling you, they'recoming.

    34700:34:12,884 --> 00:34:14,943I know they are.

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    34800:34:15,053 --> 00:34:18,284- For who, you?- Yes, forme.

    34900:34:18,389 --> 00:34:20,289And for you.

    35000:34:20,391 --> 00:34:23,019They have a corporateresponsibilityfor all of us.

    35100:34:23,127 --> 00:34:27,063They're out there right now,searching.It's just a matter of time.

    35200:34:27,165 --> 00:34:31,625Lan, you did a cost-benefitanalysis beforerecommending our site be closed down, right?

    35300:34:31,736 --> 00:34:34,296Yes, I did.

    35400:34:34,439 --> 00:34:38,933Don't you think they'd do thesame thingbefore mounting a search for us?

    35500:34:39,077 --> 00:34:40,977Add it up.

    35600:34:43,147 --> 00:34:45,809Don't kid yourself, lan.

    35700:34:45,917 --> 00:34:48,818We hitched a ride with thetrash...

    35800:34:48,920 --> 00:34:51,354not the other way around.


    00:35:01,499 --> 00:35:05,162Screw this. I'm outta here.

    36000:35:05,303 --> 00:35:08,272Yeah, I'm coming with you,andI'm taking some water.

    36100:35:08,372 --> 00:35:10,499

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    No one touches the water!

    36200:35:10,641 --> 00:35:14,338Hey. Whoa. What's going onhere?

    36300:35:14,445 --> 00:35:16,379- What does it look like?-Hey!

    36400:35:16,481 --> 00:35:18,449- Get back here!- Hey!

    36500:35:20,151 --> 00:35:23,348Hey, knock it off!

    36600:35:23,454 --> 00:35:25,854- Go back!- Let go!

    36700:35:30,828 --> 00:35:32,955It's gone, you fools!

    36800:35:37,668 --> 00:35:39,636I have an idea.

    36900:35:39,770 --> 00:35:41,670I have an idea.

    37000:35:41,772 --> 00:35:43,740I can get us out of here.

    37100:35:43,841 --> 00:35:46,241I can get us out of here.

    37200:35:48,246 --> 00:35:51,511I've been examining theplane.


    00:35:51,616 --> 00:35:54,449You see, the... the C-119...

    37400:35:54,552 --> 00:35:57,578is a twin-boom design...

    37500:35:57,688 --> 00:36:01,021and the starboard boomhere

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    isn't damaged...

    37600:36:01,125 --> 00:36:04,356which is great becauseif-ifthe starboard engine stays where it is...

    37700:36:04,462 --> 00:36:07,260at the forward endof thestarboard boom...

    37800:36:07,365 --> 00:36:10,926this boom then becomes thefuselage...

    37900:36:11,068 --> 00:36:13,036becomes the plane.

    38000:36:13,137 --> 00:36:15,196Do you see what I'msaying?

    38100:36:15,339 --> 00:36:20,606And-And while the port areaofthe tail unit is intact...

    38200:36:20,711 --> 00:36:24,408we will still have toredesignthe tail section.

    38300:36:24,515 --> 00:36:26,676What the hell is he talkingabout?

    38400:36:26,784 --> 00:36:29,275He's talking aboutbuilding anew airplane.

    38500:36:29,387 --> 00:36:32,948- Out of the old one.- Yes,Captain.

    38600:36:33,057 --> 00:36:35,617

    And flying ourselves out of here.

    38700:36:35,726 --> 00:36:38,718Yeah, why didn't I think ofthat?

    38800:36:38,829 --> 00:36:41,730Why don't we build a swimmingpool,while we're at it?

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    38900:36:41,832 --> 00:36:43,959Oh, that's funny.

    39000:36:44,101 --> 00:36:46,001Yeah.

    39100:36:47,271 --> 00:36:50,069Well, you know,there are nocomponent problems...

    39200:36:50,174 --> 00:36:52,642and we have all the parts andtoolswe need on board.

    39300:36:52,743 --> 00:36:56,179- I assure you, we can doit.- It's impossible.

    39400:36:56,280 --> 00:36:59,408At first glance, it seemsimpossiblethat a bee should fly...

    39500:36:59,517 --> 00:37:01,348but it does.

    39600:37:01,452 --> 00:37:04,285I think a bee stung youonyour big dumb-ass head.

    39700:37:06,290 --> 00:37:08,781What do you know aboutairplanes?

    39800:37:08,893 --> 00:37:11,361I design them, Mr. Towns.

    39900:37:11,462 --> 00:37:13,930That's what I know aboutairplanes.

    40000:37:16,867 --> 00:37:21,133You might have mentioned thatlittle pieceof information a bit earlier on, Elliott.

    40100:37:25,109 --> 00:37:28,476Who do you work for?Whatcompany?

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    40200:37:28,579 --> 00:37:31,639Sizemore and Pratt.They're inLong Beach.

    40300:37:31,749 --> 00:37:33,842They do mostly experimentalaircraft.

    40400:37:33,951 --> 00:37:38,911Mm-hmm. And you understandthatengine's got a 2,000-pound thrust?

    40500:37:39,023 --> 00:37:43,357- Yes. So?- When it getsstarted,it's gonna tear your bee apart.

    40600:37:43,461 --> 00:37:46,897Well, you'll just have tobecareful this time.

    40700:37:46,998 --> 00:37:51,526The design is perfect. Theonly flawis that we have to rely on you to fly it.

    40800:37:57,408 --> 00:38:00,241I say we build the damnplane.Why the hell not?

    40900:38:00,344 --> 00:38:02,312

    - Get us out of here.- Let's build it, man.

    41000:38:02,413 --> 00:38:04,904It's better than doin'nothin',fightin' over water.

    41100:38:05,016 --> 00:38:08,952- It's worth a try.- Oh,yeah. It's worth a try!

    41200:38:09,053 --> 00:38:13,422If we had a few months and anunlimitedsupply of water, which we don't.

    41300:38:13,524 --> 00:38:16,425And if you do try, you won'tlivelong enough to finish it.

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    41400:38:16,527 --> 00:38:19,155None of you will.

    41500:38:19,263 --> 00:38:23,165- We could work.- So what doyou think we should do?

    41600:38:24,568 --> 00:38:26,536- Nothing.- What?

    41700:38:26,637 --> 00:38:31,074The longer we wait, thebetter chancewe have of somebody spotting us.

    41800:38:46,424 --> 00:38:48,722Where's Liddle?


    00:38:53,097 --> 00:38:54,997Oh, sh*t.

    42000:38:55,099 --> 00:38:57,499Has anybody seen Liddle?

    42100:38:57,635 --> 00:39:00,035He's definitely not inhere.

    42200:39:00,171 --> 00:39:02,639

    Oh, God. We lost another one.

    42300:39:07,778 --> 00:39:09,973He'll never make it.

    42400:39:10,081 --> 00:39:12,049sh*t.

    42500:39:16,220 --> 00:39:19,314Maybe he doesn't give yoursit-on-your-ass-

    and-do-nothing plan much hope.

    42600:39:19,423 --> 00:39:22,551Hey, you're not going afterhim.

    42700:39:22,660 --> 00:39:24,924No one else dies,remember?

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    42800:39:31,469 --> 00:39:33,437I'll go.

    42900:39:34,505 --> 00:39:36,473I'll bring him back.

    43000:39:38,142 --> 00:39:40,872- A.J.?- Yeah?

    43100:39:40,978 --> 00:39:43,173Throw me that canteen.

    43200:39:46,550 --> 00:39:48,279Good luck.

    43300:39:51,756 --> 00:39:56,386- Yeah.

    - Captain, Liddle's first name is James.

    43400:39:57,795 --> 00:39:59,695Jimbo.

    43500:40:42,540 --> 00:40:45,008Liddle!

    43600:41:05,663 --> 00:41:07,563Liddle!

    43700:41:50,508 --> 00:41:52,806No.

    43800:42:24,375 --> 00:42:26,639Someone's already beenhere.

    43900:42:28,712 --> 00:42:30,680The dead guy's Kyle.

    44000:42:30,781 --> 00:42:32,908He had a really niceSeiko.

    44100:42:33,017 --> 00:42:37,249I know, 'cause he won it frommein a poker game back at the patch.


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    00:42:40,858 --> 00:42:43,486Someone came along and tookit.

    44300:42:43,594 --> 00:42:45,494Nomads.

    44400:42:45,596 --> 00:42:50,226Smugglers, probably.That'sthe last thing we need.

    44500:42:51,969 --> 00:42:53,869You okay?

    44600:42:55,739 --> 00:42:57,707I'm not going back.

    44700:42:58,776 --> 00:43:01,609I'm just resting.

    44800:43:01,712 --> 00:43:04,647You look like you could usesome water.

    44900:43:16,694 --> 00:43:19,128So, just between the two ofus...

    45000:43:23,267 --> 00:43:25,997no bullsh*t, CaptainTowns...


    00:43:26,136 --> 00:43:29,333do you think they're ever gonnafind us?

    45200:43:31,241 --> 00:43:33,334It's a long shot.

    45300:43:36,580 --> 00:43:38,741So why not try and build theplane?

    45400:43:38,849 --> 00:43:41,579

    Why give people false hope?

    45500:43:41,685 --> 00:43:43,653Come on, man.

    45600:43:45,022 --> 00:43:47,752Most people spendtheir wholelives hanging on...

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    45700:43:47,858 --> 00:43:51,760to hopes and dreams that arenever gonnacome true, but they hold on to 'em.

    45800:43:51,862 --> 00:43:55,354Why are you gonna give up on'em nowwhen you need 'em most?

    45900:43:55,466 --> 00:44:00,335You're assuming I'm one ofthose peoplewho has hopes and dreams.

    46000:44:02,206 --> 00:44:05,767I find it hard to believethat a manwho learns to fly never had a dream.

    46100:44:09,847 --> 00:44:13,339Look, how could I let thosepeople

    build that plane...

    46200:44:13,450 --> 00:44:15,850when I don't believe it'llwork?

    46300:44:15,953 --> 00:44:20,413And every day they wastetrying to build itbrings 'em one day closer to dying.

    46400:44:25,629 --> 00:44:28,757

    I think a man only needsone thing in life.

    46500:44:28,866 --> 00:44:31,858He just needs someone tolove.

    46600:44:31,969 --> 00:44:36,201If you can't give himthat,then give him something to hope for.


    00:44:36,306 --> 00:44:40,538And if you can't give himthat...

    46800:44:40,644 --> 00:44:43,579just give him something todo.

    46900:44:56,660 --> 00:44:59,754James, you'll never makeit.

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    47000:45:03,133 --> 00:45:05,761Then I'll die trying.

    47100:45:08,272 --> 00:45:10,740There are people counting onme.

    47200:45:15,946 --> 00:45:19,143Okay! Okay, okay.

    47300:45:20,684 --> 00:45:22,584Okay.

    47400:45:22,686 --> 00:45:25,177We'll build it.

    47500:45:25,289 --> 00:45:27,257Just come back with me.

    47600:45:29,993 --> 00:45:32,894How do I know you're not fullof sh*t?

    47700:45:43,140 --> 00:45:45,370Here.

    47800:45:45,476 --> 00:45:47,376Take it.

    47900:45:47,478 --> 00:45:51,471You can give it back when weget home.

    48000:46:17,274 --> 00:46:20,243- What?- Nothing.

    48100:46:20,344 --> 00:46:22,972- I'm just amazed.- Bywhat?

    48200:46:23,080 --> 00:46:25,048That during these diretimes...

    48300:46:25,149 --> 00:46:28,050you take the timeto thank Godfor anything.

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    48400:46:28,152 --> 00:46:31,679Well, we're still alive,aren't we?

    48500:46:33,724 --> 00:46:36,488Let me tell you a story.

    48600:46:36,593 --> 00:46:39,528A rabbi and a priestattend aboxing match.

    48700:46:39,630 --> 00:46:42,895They watch as the boxerscomeinto the ring.

    48800:46:43,000 --> 00:46:47,232The rabbi sees one of theboxerscross himself.


    00:46:47,371 --> 00:46:50,602So the rabbi turns to thepriestand asks...

    49000:46:50,707 --> 00:46:53,505"What does that mean?"

    49100:46:53,610 --> 00:46:58,570The priest says, "Not a damnthingif the man can't fight."

    49200:47:06,256 --> 00:47:09,282Holy sh*t. Liddle!

    49300:47:09,393 --> 00:47:11,623Holy sh*t! They made it!

    49400:47:11,728 --> 00:47:13,992They're back! They'reback!


    00:47:27,678 --> 00:47:31,045- There you go.- Yeah.

    49600:47:34,585 --> 00:47:37,019Liddle and I had a talk.

    49700:47:38,455 --> 00:47:40,753

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    I think we should build the plane.

    49800:47:40,858 --> 00:47:42,689Wha...

    49900:47:42,793 --> 00:47:44,954Elliott...

    50000:47:45,062 --> 00:47:48,088can you really design thisthingthe way you said you could?

    50100:47:48,198 --> 00:47:51,361- No bullsh*t?- Yes, Ican.

    50200:47:53,670 --> 00:47:57,299Well, we're either all inthis togetheror no one at all.

    50300:47:57,441 --> 00:47:59,409No compromises.

    50400:48:03,180 --> 00:48:05,080I'm in.

    50500:48:05,182 --> 00:48:06,877Yeah.

    50600:48:08,218 --> 00:48:10,118Yeah, me too.

    50700:48:10,220 --> 00:48:12,586sh*t. Me three.

    50800:48:12,689 --> 00:48:14,281Okay.


    00:48:16,126 --> 00:48:18,094Get some rest.

    51000:48:18,195 --> 00:48:20,789We start tonight.

    51100:48:20,898 --> 00:48:23,526Let's take them inside. It'scooler.

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    51200:48:23,634 --> 00:48:26,296- Hold on.- Let me takethis.

    51300:48:30,741 --> 00:48:35,201If we do this, we'll becutting our lives in half.

    51400:48:35,312 --> 00:48:37,780We'll be drinking twiceasmuch water, Frank.

    51500:48:37,881 --> 00:48:40,406We don't have any otherchoice.

    51600:48:40,517 --> 00:48:43,145Why?


    00:48:43,253 --> 00:48:45,915'Cause it's too early to giveup, A. J...

    51800:48:46,023 --> 00:48:48,491and too late to do anythingelse.

    51900:48:48,592 --> 00:48:52,323I'm glad that you'vefinallyseen the light, Mr. Towns.


    00:48:58,235 --> 00:49:00,226Hey.

    52100:49:00,370 --> 00:49:02,565Let's get one thingstraight.

    52200:49:02,706 --> 00:49:05,834I'm not taking orders fromyou.

    52300:49:08,679 --> 00:49:10,977

    Get some rest.

    52400:49:17,554 --> 00:49:19,522Hey, Towns.

    52500:49:21,358 --> 00:49:23,622Thanks.

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    52600:49:23,727 --> 00:49:25,922Are you kidding me?

    52700:49:26,029 --> 00:49:29,521I'd do anything to avoidanotherhopes-and-dreams speech.

    52800:49:37,674 --> 00:49:41,110Okay, gentlemen, our-ourfirsttask is to separate the wing here...

    52900:49:41,244 --> 00:49:45,203so... so we can join itwiththe main fuselage, okay?

    53000:49:55,759 --> 00:49:58,159Crank it up, man!


    00:50:04,401 --> 00:50:06,665I'm gonna need some help.

    53200:50:26,590 --> 00:50:30,458- Make sure they're good andtight, lan, eh?- All right.

    53300:50:33,597 --> 00:50:35,497There you go.


    00:50:35,599 --> 00:50:38,466You still got some of themoldmuscles up there, don't you?

    53500:50:38,602 --> 00:50:42,834You guys need to becarefulwhen you step on the wing, okay?

    53600:50:42,973 --> 00:50:46,409Man, I thought this would beeasy.

    53700:50:46,543 --> 00:50:48,443Hey, no coffee breaks.

    53800:50:48,545 --> 00:50:50,979That means you too.

    53900:50:51,081 --> 00:50:54,050

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    You know, I liked him a lot betterwhen all he did was hum.

    54000:50:54,151 --> 00:50:57,348Yeah, you still got it.

    54100:50:59,756 --> 00:51:02,020Whoa! Aah!

    54200:51:04,594 --> 00:51:06,789- Watch what you're doin',man.- You got it, Rod?

    54300:51:06,897 --> 00:51:08,797Hang on.

    54400:51:08,965 --> 00:51:11,331- On three, yeah?- Let's doit.

    54500:51:11,468 --> 00:51:14,096One, two, three!

    54600:51:14,237 --> 00:51:17,832Again! One, two, three!

    54700:51:17,974 --> 00:51:21,137- There you go!- One moretime! One, two, three!

    54800:51:21,244 --> 00:51:25,806Yeah, baby! Yeah!

    54900:51:32,189 --> 00:51:34,316I'll be damned.

    55000:51:34,424 --> 00:51:36,892That's a start, Frank.

    55100:51:45,202 --> 00:51:47,363Oh, geez.Somebody turn outthe lights.

    55200:51:47,504 --> 00:51:51,941- How much water did wedrink?- Too much.

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    55300:51:52,042 --> 00:51:55,273And that's at night.

    55400:52:08,458 --> 00:52:10,289Two-eighths.

    55500:52:12,829 --> 00:52:15,457- Frank.- Hmm?

    55600:52:15,565 --> 00:52:17,897You okay?

    55700:52:18,034 --> 00:52:20,502When I was out there,when Ifound Liddle...

    55800:52:20,604 --> 00:52:24,199

    - Yeah?- I saw something pretty weird.

    55900:52:24,341 --> 00:52:26,969What?

    56000:52:27,077 --> 00:52:30,342You know that poor son of abitchthat fell out of the airplane?


    00:52:30,447 --> 00:52:35,214- Yeah?- I found shell casingsall around his body.

    56200:52:35,318 --> 00:52:38,116Looked like someone hadbeenusing him for target practice.

    56300:52:38,221 --> 00:52:41,452Oh... sh*t.

    56400:52:44,494 --> 00:52:47,429Just keep that to yourself,all right?

    56500:52:47,531 --> 00:52:50,500I don't want to give'emanything more to worry about.


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    00:52:50,600 --> 00:52:52,591Here.

    56700:53:00,177 --> 00:53:02,668- Whoo, that's a fire, boy!-Oh, yeah.

    56800:53:02,779 --> 00:53:05,247Hey, Patch.

    56900:53:05,348 --> 00:53:09,978How 'bout a niceice-colddouble mint Frappuccino?

    57000:53:10,086 --> 00:53:12,782Screw that.How 'bout aBacardi and co*ke?

    57100:53:12,889 --> 00:53:14,880

    Ahh. With a lot of ice.

    57200:53:14,991 --> 00:53:18,518- And one of 'em littleumbrella things.- Yeah!

    57300:53:18,628 --> 00:53:21,461- How 'bout a hamburger witha lot of cheese?- Whoa, whoa.


    00:53:21,565 --> 00:53:24,762Hamburger, yeah. Cheese, mmm.I'mtryin' to watch my figure, you know?

    57500:53:24,901 --> 00:53:26,869Yeah!

    57600:53:29,940 --> 00:53:33,432- One day.- Yeah. Somedaysoon, man.

    57700:53:50,460 --> 00:53:52,428How's it going?

    57800:54:04,174 --> 00:54:06,938- Is everybody okay?-Sammi!


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    00:54:07,043 --> 00:54:09,273Ah, geez.

    58000:54:09,379 --> 00:54:12,576Oh, my God.

    58100:54:12,682 --> 00:54:14,673Everybody here?

    58200:54:14,784 --> 00:54:17,480Oh, Christ.

    58300:54:17,587 --> 00:54:21,250Oh, no.Tell me that wasn'tall the fuel.

    58400:54:36,273 --> 00:54:40,505We're gonna needthe remainingfuel for the plane.

    58500:54:40,610 --> 00:54:44,410- We're gonna have to workduring the day.- What?

    58600:54:44,514 --> 00:54:49,281And what kind of holeis thatgonna put us in with the H20?

    58700:54:49,386 --> 00:54:52,878

    We're gonna run out beforewe even finish the damn plane.

    58800:54:54,724 --> 00:54:59,024Not necessarily. Day shiftoutputis always higher than night anyway.

    58900:54:59,129 --> 00:55:02,496If we add in the fact thatwe're gonnabe able to see what we're doing...

    59000:55:02,599 --> 00:55:05,466I'd estimatethat ourproductivity per pint...

    59100:55:05,602 --> 00:55:07,502would actually increase.


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    00:55:08,738 --> 00:55:11,536We'd drink more, finishsooner.

    59300:55:19,749 --> 00:55:22,411"Come to the Gobi," theysaid.

    59400:55:22,519 --> 00:55:25,147"Great prospects," theysaid.

    59500:55:25,255 --> 00:55:29,385"Sun, sand, oil."

    59600:55:29,492 --> 00:55:31,960Well, two out of three ain'tbad.

    59700:55:42,572 --> 00:55:44,938How's it coming?


    00:55:45,041 --> 00:55:47,168- What?- How's it coming?

    59900:55:47,277 --> 00:55:50,735- Good.- Good. Well, don'ttake all day.

    60000:55:53,350 --> 00:55:56,251And you two can step it uphere as well.

    60100:55:56,353 --> 00:55:58,321Get a move on.

    60200:56:15,271 --> 00:56:18,763- Okay. Go for it.- Allright. Here goes.

    60300:56:18,908 --> 00:56:22,901Easy, Towns.For God's sake,this is surgery!

    60400:56:26,249 --> 00:56:28,149- Whoa!- Whoa!

    60500:56:30,253 --> 00:56:32,551- Yeah!- Yeah!

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    60600:56:32,655 --> 00:56:36,091- Whoa! Yeah!- Yeah!

    60700:56:36,192 --> 00:56:38,092Yes!

    60800:56:38,194 --> 00:56:41,493- Hey, give me some.- How'sit look, AJ.?

    60900:56:41,598 --> 00:56:43,566Looks good, man!

    61000:56:43,700 --> 00:56:46,066So, gentlemen...


    00:56:47,604 --> 00:56:49,504and lady...

    61200:56:49,606 --> 00:56:53,269our task today is to matetheport wing with the starboard.

    61300:56:53,376 --> 00:56:55,276Okay?


    00:56:58,581 --> 00:57:01,448For that, Sammi, we need you.Okay?

    61500:57:06,589 --> 00:57:09,114You sure you know what todo?

    61600:57:09,225 --> 00:57:11,455Yeah, I think so.

    61700:57:11,561 --> 00:57:14,553

    Sammi, you have to join the wings.

    61800:57:14,664 --> 00:57:17,895We have only one chance withthis.If it doesn't work, we don't fly.

    61900:57:18,034 --> 00:57:20,832And we all die horribly.

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    62000:57:20,970 --> 00:57:22,961Yeah, no pressure on me,right?

    62100:57:23,106 --> 00:57:27,304Just a little bit.But you'llbe a'right, man.

    62200:57:27,410 --> 00:57:29,378Make us proud.

    62300:57:33,783 --> 00:57:35,683Whew.

    62400:57:35,785 --> 00:57:38,219What am I doing? I'm achef.

    62500:57:40,323 --> 00:57:42,223


    62600:57:42,325 --> 00:57:44,225Even. Straight! Take iteasy.

    62700:57:44,327 --> 00:57:47,296Jeremy, keep in line withRodney.

    62800:57:53,803 --> 00:57:56,863- Stayin' straight?

    - Yeah.

    62900:57:58,475 --> 00:58:00,033Jeremy!

    63000:58:00,143 --> 00:58:02,873Don't let go! Don't letgo!

    63100:58:02,979 --> 00:58:05,106Watch out, Sammi!

    63200:58:05,215 --> 00:58:06,705- Hold on!- I got it!

    63300:58:08,651 --> 00:58:10,846- No!- Get back!

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    63400:58:10,954 --> 00:58:12,888sh*t!

    63500:58:16,493 --> 00:58:18,154Oh, Sammi.

    63600:58:32,675 --> 00:58:35,371See? Piece of cake.

    63700:58:35,478 --> 00:58:38,242You mad Mexican bastard!

    63800:58:38,348 --> 00:58:40,373What were you thinking?

    63900:58:40,483 --> 00:58:42,383Sammi!

    64000:58:42,485 --> 00:58:44,385Jesus!

    64100:58:44,487 --> 00:58:46,387Anybody got a change ofunderwear?

    64200:58:46,489 --> 00:58:48,389You can always borrowRady's.

    64300:58:48,491 --> 00:58:52,393- I'm not sure how clean theyare though.- You made us proud, Sammi.

    64400:58:52,495 --> 00:58:54,463Thought you'd sh*tyourself.

    64500:58:56,065 --> 00:58:58,865Oh, yeah. That's what I'mtalkin' about.

    64600:59:00,203 --> 00:59:02,034No, no. What are youdoin'?

    64700:59:02,138 --> 00:59:04,732- God, please. Turn this sh*toff.- What's the problem?


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    00:59:04,874 --> 00:59:07,775- Listen, man, your deejayrightshave been revoked.

    64900:59:15,518 --> 00:59:18,419Hey, I was gonna play thatnext, man.

    65001:00:09,706 --> 01:00:11,139Hey.

    65101:00:15,445 --> 01:00:16,742Cheers, man.

    65201:00:20,650 --> 01:00:22,345Them things'll kill ya.

    65301:00:51,347 --> 01:00:53,247Hey, what are you doing,lan?

    65401:00:53,349 --> 01:00:56,147Oh, just sending an e-mailtoan old friend.

    65501:00:56,252 --> 01:00:58,686What? Really?

    65601:01:01,758 --> 01:01:04,318You're a funny f*cker.

    65701:01:11,801 --> 01:01:13,701No, no, no, no.

    65801:01:13,803 --> 01:01:16,237We do not have timefor rodsand linkages.

    65901:01:16,339 --> 01:01:19,240As you should know, we haveanextremely large lifting surface.

    66001:01:19,342 --> 01:01:21,242It's oversized for the weightload.

    66101:01:21,344 --> 01:01:24,245We won't need more than10 to15 degrees of pitch control...

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    66201:01:24,347 --> 01:01:26,747and all of that will need tobenose-down pitched.

    66301:01:26,849 --> 01:01:29,079That's where we need toapplybetter torque flexing.

    66401:01:29,185 --> 01:01:31,585Are you even listening tome?

    66501:01:33,690 --> 01:01:36,454Maybe it'll rain.

    66601:01:55,445 --> 01:01:58,141It is raining.

    66701:02:00,183 --> 01:02:03,084

    It's electrical.

    66801:02:03,186 --> 01:02:07,145- Jesus. We gotta get out ofhere.- Why? What does that mean?

    66901:02:07,256 --> 01:02:08,814- It's electrical!- What?


    01:02:08,925 --> 01:02:10,825The storm... it'selectrical.

    67101:02:10,927 --> 01:02:13,327- If lightning hits anything,it'll be the plane.- So what?

    67201:02:13,429 --> 01:02:15,761- The plane's not grounded!-I don't understand your problem.

    67301:02:17,500 --> 01:02:21,300You don't understand?Thatwing is full of fuel.

    67401:02:23,272 --> 01:02:25,172Oh, my God. It'llexplode.


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    01:02:25,274 --> 01:02:28,835Come on! Come on!We've gotta getclear!

    67601:02:28,945 --> 01:02:30,845AJ! Get out of there!

    67701:02:30,947 --> 01:02:33,916- Hurry up!- Elliott!

    67801:02:40,656 --> 01:02:42,954Come on! Give me somehelp!

    67901:02:43,059 --> 01:02:45,789- Jeremy, come on!- No!

    68001:02:50,466 --> 01:02:53,458

    Take the winch out as far as you can!

    68101:03:08,951 --> 01:03:11,681Now bury it and get the hellaway!

    68201:03:16,425 --> 01:03:19,690Elliott! Oh, for Christ'ssake!

    68301:03:31,307 --> 01:03:33,775Frank!

    68401:03:42,919 --> 01:03:45,114Thank you.

    68501:03:53,196 --> 01:03:55,596Frank! Are you okay?

    68601:03:55,698 --> 01:03:57,666Yeah. Yeah.

    68701:03:59,101 --> 01:04:00,932You'd think someone...

    68801:04:01,037 --> 01:04:03,870who designs airplanesfor aliving would...


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    01:04:03,973 --> 01:04:06,441know they need to begrounded.

    69001:04:20,489 --> 01:04:24,391Fo... Een... Phoenix.

    69101:04:24,493 --> 01:04:26,859You from Phoenix orsomethin'?

    69201:04:27,897 --> 01:04:30,058No. It's not the city.

    69301:04:30,166 --> 01:04:32,361The phoenix was a desertbird...

    69401:04:32,501 --> 01:04:34,401from Egyptian mythology.


    01:04:34,503 --> 01:04:36,994Consumed itself with fire...

    69601:04:37,139 --> 01:04:39,107rose renewed from theashes.

    69701:04:39,242 --> 01:04:41,472Final answer?

    69801:04:41,577 --> 01:04:43,272

    Final answer.

    69901:04:43,379 --> 01:04:46,906Very good, Mr. Towns. And Mr.Liddle.

    70001:04:47,016 --> 01:04:50,417Yeah, you learn a lot ofuseless bullsh*twaiting to take off.

    70101:04:51,888 --> 01:04:54,322

    I thought you weren't religious, Rady.

    70201:04:55,791 --> 01:04:58,191Spirituality is notreligion.

    70301:04:58,294 --> 01:05:00,159Religion divides people.

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    70401:05:00,263 --> 01:05:02,231Belief in something unitesthem.

    70501:05:05,935 --> 01:05:07,835Is that spelled right?

    70601:05:07,937 --> 01:05:10,838Hey.

    70701:05:10,940 --> 01:05:14,376Nah. It is crookedthough.

    70801:05:15,578 --> 01:05:18,44551, 52, 53, 54...

    70901:05:18,547 --> 01:05:20,44755, 56, 57...

    71001:05:20,549 --> 01:05:23,31358, 59, 60, 61...

    71101:05:23,419 --> 01:05:26,78662, 63, 64.

    71201:05:42,838 --> 01:05:45,329Well, he'll just have tocompensate.


    01:05:57,653 --> 01:06:01,214All right. Could you hand methe...

    71401:06:03,592 --> 01:06:05,560Thank you.

    71501:06:15,604 --> 01:06:19,938Okay, I need everyoneoverhere right now. Now!


    01:06:22,244 --> 01:06:25,077- Whoa. What the...- A.J.

    71701:06:25,181 --> 01:06:26,910Someone's stealing water.

    71801:06:29,618 --> 01:06:32,519

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    I've had a suspicionfor the last few days...

    71901:06:32,655 --> 01:06:35,249so I've been checking thelevels.

    72001:06:37,827 --> 01:06:39,454We don't need a gun.

    72101:06:39,562 --> 01:06:42,224A.J.

    72201:06:44,600 --> 01:06:47,831You planning onshootingsomeone, A.J.?

    72301:06:50,473 --> 01:06:52,873While you've all beensleeping...

    72401:06:52,975 --> 01:06:54,943I've been working.

    72501:06:57,079 --> 01:06:59,479And, therefore,I require morewater.

    72601:06:59,582 --> 01:07:02,813- Are you kidding me?- Whydidn't you just ask?

    72701:07:02,918 --> 01:07:06,854Because I'm in chargeofbuilding my plane...

    72801:07:06,956 --> 01:07:09,390and I don't need toask anyoneanything.

    72901:07:09,492 --> 01:07:11,960

    We could all die of thirst!

    73001:07:13,095 --> 01:07:15,723You need me, Towns.

    73101:07:15,831 --> 01:07:17,822Don't forget that.

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    73201:07:17,933 --> 01:07:20,060You need me.

    73301:07:20,169 --> 01:07:23,229Everyone here isdispensableexcept me.

    73401:08:33,709 --> 01:08:35,506They aren't nomads.

    73501:08:35,611 --> 01:08:37,511How do you know?

    73601:08:37,613 --> 01:08:39,581No women or children.

    73701:08:46,122 --> 01:08:49,580Smugglers or armsdealers.

    Either way, it's bad news.

    73801:08:49,725 --> 01:08:51,625But they could help us.

    73901:08:51,727 --> 01:08:55,128They could have water.Maybewe could bargain with them.

    74001:08:55,231 --> 01:08:57,131

    What do you think?

    74101:08:57,233 --> 01:08:59,963- Should we go over there andfind out?- Whatever you wanna do, Frank.

    74201:09:00,069 --> 01:09:03,197What are you doing?You can'tgo over there.


    01:09:03,305 --> 01:09:06,433We can't risk losing thepilot.

    74401:09:06,542 --> 01:09:08,942Then I'll go. You coverme.

    74501:09:09,044 --> 01:09:11,444Did you hear what I justsaid?

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    74601:09:11,547 --> 01:09:13,447We got this, Elliott.

    74701:09:13,549 --> 01:09:16,450Lan, don't you thinkyoushould go as well?

    74801:09:16,552 --> 01:09:19,043- Why me?- Because you knowmost of the local dialects.

    74901:09:19,155 --> 01:09:21,055- You do?- Hold on.

    75001:09:21,157 --> 01:09:25,491He's had to. He's worked allover the Gobidoing negotiations with local crews.

    75101:09:25,594 --> 01:09:28,586It's gon' be cool, man.I gotyour back.

    75201:09:28,697 --> 01:09:31,131And who's gonna look afteryours?

    75301:09:35,538 --> 01:09:37,506All right then.

    75401:09:39,375 --> 01:09:41,343- Good luck, Frank.- Goodluck.

    75501:10:37,566 --> 01:10:40,467You know, Alex, I...

    75601:10:40,569 --> 01:10:42,594I just want to saythat...

    75701:10:42,705 --> 01:10:45,606you know, when I moved youtothe back of the plane...

    75801:10:45,708 --> 01:10:48,802that was stupid and wrong,andI'm really, really sorry.

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    75901:10:50,946 --> 01:10:53,437Now's not the best time totalk.

    76001:11:11,433 --> 01:11:14,493Lan, now's the time totalk.

    76101:11:22,044 --> 01:11:24,012Lan.

    76201:11:25,381 --> 01:11:27,349What the hell?

    76301:11:29,084 --> 01:11:30,984Screw this.

    76401:11:35,157 --> 01:11:37,057Um...

    76501:11:38,794 --> 01:11:40,887airplane, uh...

    76601:11:40,996 --> 01:11:42,623Just... Just try"airplane."

    76701:11:43,732 --> 01:11:45,495Airplane.

    76801:11:45,601 --> 01:11:48,195Ah.

    76901:12:00,849 --> 01:12:02,749What's he saying to me?

    77001:12:02,851 --> 01:12:05,479I think he's offering toshare water.


    01:12:21,337 --> 01:12:23,805- What are you saying?- Theywant to know where the plane is.

    77201:12:23,906 --> 01:12:25,635Don't tell them anythingelse.

    77301:12:25,741 --> 01:12:27,368

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    - It's okay.- Lan...

    77401:12:27,476 --> 01:12:30,309Do not tell themwhere thegoddamn plane is.

    77501:12:37,353 --> 01:12:40,345- What the hell are youdoing?- What's going on?

    77601:12:42,157 --> 01:12:45,217I'm not sure. Looks okay.

    77701:12:49,531 --> 01:12:51,465- That's my watch!- Shh.

    77801:12:54,136 --> 01:12:56,229


    77901:13:05,247 --> 01:13:07,715- No!- Oh, sh*t.

    78001:13:11,220 --> 01:13:13,188Oh, sh*t!

    78101:13:21,130 --> 01:13:24,031

    Alex. Alex?

    78201:13:24,133 --> 01:13:26,533Look at me. Look at me.

    78301:13:26,635 --> 01:13:28,535Don't die.Look at me. Look atme.

    78401:13:28,637 --> 01:13:31,037

    - Alex.- Come on, Alex.

    78501:13:31,140 --> 01:13:33,108Come on, man. Stay withme.

    78601:13:34,410 --> 01:13:36,435Alex.

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    78701:13:38,247 --> 01:13:40,545Alex, I'm here.

    78801:13:40,649 --> 01:13:42,276Frank!

    78901:13:42,384 --> 01:13:44,545Come on, man.

    79001:13:46,088 --> 01:13:49,057Stay with me. Alex.

    79101:13:51,026 --> 01:13:53,392Alex, look at me. Alex.

    79201:13:53,495 --> 01:13:55,463Help!

    79301:13:58,700 --> 01:14:00,793We're almost there!

    79401:14:07,709 --> 01:14:10,769Set him down over here!

    79501:14:21,390 --> 01:14:23,790Oh, God!

    79601:14:23,892 --> 01:14:27,020Don't really know what to dohere.

    79701:14:27,129 --> 01:14:29,893Is there nothing you cando?

    79801:14:29,998 --> 01:14:32,660Uh, wh...We could clean thewound.

    79901:14:32,768 --> 01:14:35,703- But we'd need water.- Howmuch water?

    80001:14:35,804 --> 01:14:37,431As much as he needs!


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    01:14:53,622 --> 01:14:55,852No. No!

    80201:15:04,533 --> 01:15:07,434No! He's gonna be okay!

    80301:15:07,536 --> 01:15:10,403He's gonna be okay!

    80401:15:16,278 --> 01:15:18,542What did he say?

    80501:16:15,537 --> 01:16:18,506If I hadn't seen the watch,he...

    80601:16:22,044 --> 01:16:24,945If you hadn't done what youdid...


    01:16:25,047 --> 01:16:27,015we'd all be dead.

    80801:16:30,052 --> 01:16:32,043It's okay.

    80901:16:41,163 --> 01:16:44,758- You found any water?- Yep.Just a little bit.


    01:16:44,866 --> 01:16:47,061Oh, good.

    81101:16:50,505 --> 01:16:52,666- Help, you guys!- Comeon!

    81201:16:52,774 --> 01:16:54,742Give us a hand!


    01:16:56,078 --> 01:16:58,603Help him! Come on!

    81401:16:58,714 --> 01:17:00,614Holy sh*t.

    81501:17:01,850 --> 01:17:03,750Come on!

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    81601:17:03,852 --> 01:17:06,013What the hell is thissh*t?

    81701:17:09,157 --> 01:17:12,058What is he saying? What is hesaying?

    81801:17:12,160 --> 01:17:14,424Lan, what is he saying?

    81901:17:15,864 --> 01:17:18,094We didn't know what else todo.

    82001:17:18,200 --> 01:17:20,100We couldn't just let himdie.

    82101:17:20,202 --> 01:17:23,399And why not?

    These bastards killed Rodney.

    82201:17:25,240 --> 01:17:28,141There's not enough water foranybody else,and he's not getting any peaches.

    82301:17:28,243 --> 01:17:30,302Maybe we can give himsome ofRodney's share.


    01:17:30,412 --> 01:17:33,313Yeah. Why don't you just offerhimyour watch while you at it, asshole?

    82501:17:33,415 --> 01:17:36,748- He's a human being, man!-We should have just let them go their own way.

    82601:17:36,852 --> 01:17:38,752They probably wouldn'tevenhave seen us.

    82701:17:38,887 --> 01:17:41,651Don't be stupid. They wouldhavekilled us all if they had a chance.

    82801:17:41,790 --> 01:17:45,419- You don't know that.- Iknow they ain't hesitate

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    when they killed Rodney!

    82901:17:45,560 --> 01:17:47,460What are you people thinkin',man?

    83001:17:47,562 --> 01:17:51,191- He can't stay around here.-Oh, yeah? Well, where are we gonna take him?

    83101:17:51,299 --> 01:17:54,166Pick his ass up and drag himbackwhere you found him at.

    83201:17:54,269 --> 01:17:56,396sh*t!

    83301:18:00,542 --> 01:18:02,635Well, that settles that.

    83401:18:07,282 --> 01:18:10,183What the hell is the matterwith you?

    83501:18:10,285 --> 01:18:13,220Oh, shut up.

    83601:18:13,321 --> 01:18:17,553He would have survived only acoupleof days drinking all of our water.

    83701:18:17,659 --> 01:18:20,321I did us a favor.

    83801:18:22,164 --> 01:18:24,724You murdered him,asshole!

    83901:18:26,134 --> 01:18:28,659No, no, no, no, no, no.


    01:18:30,338 --> 01:18:34,707The great Captain Townsmurderedhim.

    84101:18:36,578 --> 01:18:38,705In his infinite wisdom...

    84201:18:38,814 --> 01:18:42,682

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    he let you go over there,and I told you not to!

    84301:18:43,885 --> 01:18:46,547And now we're one manshort.

    84401:18:48,123 --> 01:18:51,559That's 12 man-hours losteveryday we work.

    84501:18:51,693 --> 01:18:55,527Last night alonecost us 84man-hours...

    84601:18:55,630 --> 01:18:57,564because none of you worked atall!

    84701:18:57,666 --> 01:18:59,793You made the wrongdecision!

    84801:18:59,901 --> 01:19:02,369You could have killed us allagain!

    84901:19:02,471 --> 01:19:05,838You knew we were overweight!I told youthat then, and you just didn't listen!

    85001:19:05,941 --> 01:19:09,468I had to take on anotherpassenger!

    You! Remember?

    85101:19:09,578 --> 01:19:12,376If it weren't for yourcolossalarrogance and stupidity...

    85201:19:12,481 --> 01:19:14,745we wouldn't be here atall!

    85301:19:15,951 --> 01:19:18,044

    Get up!

    85401:19:55,457 --> 01:19:57,857Someone's gonna have togotalk to him.

    85501:19:57,959 --> 01:20:00,928Give him the hopes-and-dreamsspeech.

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    85601:20:01,062 --> 01:20:03,030Worked on me.

    85701:20:07,602 --> 01:20:09,502All right.

    85801:20:09,604 --> 01:20:11,504I'll go with you.

    85901:20:11,606 --> 01:20:13,733Man, I'm tired of thisguy.

    86001:20:15,610 --> 01:20:17,510Yeah.

    86101:20:17,612 --> 01:20:19,580But we need him.

    86201:20:31,059 --> 01:20:33,027Elliott?

    86301:20:39,801 --> 01:20:43,168We can still finish thePhoenix.

    86401:20:46,541 --> 01:20:49,510Come on, Elliott. You're theonly onewho can get us out of here.

    86501:20:51,479 --> 01:20:55,438To tell you the truth,I'm nolonger interested.

    86601:20:55,550 --> 01:20:57,780We've wasted too much timealready.

    86701:21:00,322 --> 01:21:03,155If I had the strength of 10men...

    86801:21:03,258 --> 01:21:06,091I would have had thatthingbuilt by now.

    86901:21:07,462 --> 01:21:10,022But all I have is you...

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    87001:21:10,131 --> 01:21:12,725and your unreliablepeople.

    87101:21:22,043 --> 01:21:24,944We're ready to be reliablenow.

    87201:21:25,046 --> 01:21:28,072Oh.

    87301:21:28,183 --> 01:21:30,583You're ready to be reliablenow?

    87401:21:30,685 --> 01:21:33,279Mm-hmm.

    87501:21:34,623 --> 01:21:36,591Say "please."

    87601:21:38,994 --> 01:21:41,087You're kidding.

    87701:21:41,196 --> 01:21:43,790Say "please."

    87801:21:48,003 --> 01:21:50,164Please.


    01:21:50,272 --> 01:21:52,172What?

    88001:21:52,274 --> 01:21:54,640Please.

    88101:21:54,743 --> 01:21:56,938Say it again. Louder.

    88201:21:58,113 --> 01:22:00,013


    88301:22:02,817 --> 01:22:04,785Jeremy?

    88401:22:07,022 --> 01:22:08,922Please.

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    88501:22:09,024 --> 01:22:10,787"Please" what?

    88601:22:14,896 --> 01:22:17,831Please, can we finish theplane, sir?

    88701:22:17,933 --> 01:22:19,901Please?

    88801:22:20,001 --> 01:22:22,162Lan.

    88901:22:23,204 --> 01:22:26,401Please, let's finish it.

    89001:22:27,509 --> 01:22:29,306That's nice.

    89101:22:38,820 --> 01:22:40,788Mr. Towns.

    89201:22:44,092 --> 01:22:46,526Who's the boss ofeveryone?

    89301:22:56,204 --> 01:22:58,172You are, Elliott.


    01:22:59,774 --> 01:23:01,867You're the boss ofeverybody.

    89501:23:03,178 --> 01:23:05,669Now, can we please...

    89601:23:05,780 --> 01:23:08,010finish the airplane?

    89701:23:10,118 --> 01:23:12,609


    89801:23:29,237 --> 01:23:31,205Careful.

    89901:23:41,616 --> 01:23:45,518Did you clean the sand out ofthe engineand do your preflight, Mr. Towns?

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    90001:23:45,653 --> 01:23:49,020- Three times.- Well, do itagain.

    90101:24:12,881 --> 01:24:15,349What the hell are theywaitin' for?

    90201:24:17,552 --> 01:24:20,544They're waiting for usto betoo weak to fight back.

    90301:24:49,284 --> 01:24:51,252It's ready.

    90401:24:58,893 --> 01:25:00,724Know what this lookslike?


    01:25:00,829 --> 01:25:02,592Like a plane.

    90601:25:02,697 --> 01:25:04,597With wings andeverything.

    90701:25:06,634 --> 01:25:08,363Think it'll fly?

    90801:25:09,404 --> 01:25:12,100

    I'll sh*t myself if it does.

    90901:25:16,678 --> 01:25:18,771Oh, it'll fly.

    91001:25:20,915 --> 01:25:22,883It better.

    91101:25:47,108 --> 01:25:49,008How you doing?

    91201:25:49,110 --> 01:25:52,011I'm thirsty, hungry andtired.

    91301:25:52,113 --> 01:25:54,513And I gotta get that thingupin the air.

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    91401:25:54,616 --> 01:25:57,244But otherwise,I'm having ahell of a time.

    91501:25:57,352 --> 01:25:59,252How about you?

    91601:25:59,387 --> 01:26:01,116I'm laughing.

    91701:26:01,256 --> 01:26:04,555All I have to do is sitback,relax and enjoy the flight.

    91801:26:06,995 --> 01:26:09,463You'll get us out of here.Iknow you will.


    01:26:14,435 --> 01:26:18,462Um, Frank,I wanted to ask yousomething.

    92001:26:18,573 --> 01:26:22,134What did Alex say to youjustbefore he died?

    92101:26:23,645 --> 01:26:25,613"Don't crash."

    92201:26:30,485 --> 01:26:34,285Take something only to coveryourselvesup with. Nothing more.

    92301:26:34,422 --> 01:26:37,949Hey, where's the chart?I wantto tape it to the floor.

    92401:26:38,092 --> 01:26:40,686It's in my bag rightthere.

    92501:26:49,270 --> 01:26:52,762I need you to check thesecablesone more time.

    92601:26:57,579 --> 01:27:00,013This the outfit you workfor?

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    92701:27:07,622 --> 01:27:09,522This catalog.

    92801:27:09,624 --> 01:27:11,592Yeah.

    92901:27:19,033 --> 01:27:20,830These are models.

    93001:27:21,869 --> 01:27:24,838Wh... Where's the bigstuff?

    93101:27:28,376 --> 01:27:30,571Uh, well...

    93201:27:30,678 --> 01:27:32,578there's the, uh...

    93301:27:32,680 --> 01:27:34,580Stealth Magnum.

    93401:27:34,682 --> 01:27:37,310I designed that one a fewyears ago.

    93501:27:39,020 --> 01:27:40,885The biggest we make...


    01:27:41,022 --> 01:27:42,922would have to be theAlbatross.

    93701:27:43,024 --> 01:27:45,458Horrible name.

    93801:27:45,560 --> 01:27:48,552It's a six-footwingspanparasol model.


    01:27:48,696 --> 01:27:53,724But it's not my design becauseit's a glider,and I only work on power models.

    94001:27:53,835 --> 01:27:56,463But you design the big stufftoo.Right, Elliott?


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    01:27:56,571 --> 01:28:01,235Planes that carry people.Planeslike the Phoenix. Right?

    94201:28:03,745 --> 01:28:05,645No, no.

    94301:28:05,747 --> 01:28:08,716Sizemore and Prattonly buildmodel airplanes.

    94401:28:10,051 --> 01:28:13,987But... that's who you designfor.

    94501:28:14,088 --> 01:28:16,420I'm their chief designer,yes.

    94601:28:18,559 --> 01:28:21,153You build toy planes,man?

    94701:28:21,262 --> 01:28:25,460No, I most certainlydo notdesign toy planes.

    94801:28:28,036 --> 01:28:32,132A toy plane is one of thosebalsa woodcreations that run on a rubber band.

    94901:28:32,240 --> 01:28:34,003

    - Those are not toys.- These are toys.

    95001:28:34,108 --> 01:28:35,632Those are not toys.

    95101:28:35,743 --> 01:28:39,406They're not full-sizedaircraft either,Elliott.


    01:28:39,514 --> 01:28:41,812You see this sh*t?He's a goddamntoy maker!

    95301:28:41,916 --> 01:28:46,580I think, Mr. Towns, youshould appreciatetwo very important things.


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    01:28:46,721 --> 01:28:49,713First of all, preciselysimilarprinciples of aerodynamics...

    95501:28:49,857 --> 01:28:52,917apply to both scaleandfull-sized aircraft.

    95601:28:53,061 --> 01:28:56,497- What is he saying?- Weshould have waited, man.We'd still have water left.

    95701:28:56,631 --> 01:28:59,964Air foilsurfaces,lift-and-drag coefficients...

    95801:29:00,068 --> 01:29:03,731the whole pattern ofheavier-than-airconstruction are all precisely similar.

    95901:29:03,838 --> 01:29:05,738We're gonna die out here.

    96001:29:05,840 --> 01:29:09,276The second thing you shouldrealizeis that a model plane has to fly itself.

    96101:29:09,377 --> 01:29:11,106There is no pilot.

    96201:29:11,212 --> 01:29:14,978The design must be even moreefficientthan that of a full-sized aircraft.

    96301:29:15,083 --> 01:29:18,519Well, I'm lookingthrough yourcatalog here...

    96401:29:18,619 --> 01:29:22,749

    and I don't see anything abouta flying sled with people on thewings!

    96501:29:23,958 --> 01:29:25,858They're toy airplanes!

    96601:29:25,960 --> 01:29:28,053What kind of crap isthat?

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    96701:29:28,162 --> 01:29:30,528My plane will fly.

    96801:29:30,631 --> 01:29:34,362You knew all along thatyouwas buildin' a toy airplane!

    96901:29:41,075 --> 01:29:42,975Lan!

    97001:29:43,077 --> 01:29:44,977Lan, what are you doing?

    97101:29:45,079 --> 01:29:48,742We'd have had two moreweeksif it weren't for you.


    01:29:50,585 --> 01:29:52,485They could have found us.

    97301:29:52,620 --> 01:29:55,521- The plane will fly!- Lan,don't be stupid!

    97401:29:55,623 --> 01:29:59,354We should have listened toTownsin the beginning.

    97501:29:59,460 --> 01:30:02,395Sit tight, save water,andthey'll find us.

    97601:30:02,497 --> 01:30:04,692- What are you doing?- Butno.

    97701:30:04,799 --> 01:30:07,734- You had to build yourplane.

    - Frank!

    97801:30:07,835 --> 01:30:10,565- Frank!- And you're not evenone of us.

    97901:30:10,671 --> 01:30:13,538- Lan! Put that gun down!

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    - My plane will fly!

    98001:30:13,641 --> 01:30:16,132- Lan!- Nobody's shootinganybody!

    98101:30:16,244 --> 01:30:18,144We're not going out likethat!

    98201:30:18,246 --> 01:30:20,237- My plane will fly!- Give methe gun!

    98301:30:20,348 --> 01:30:24,148No, no, I was just saying,I'ma very important person to them.

    98401:30:24,252 --> 01:30:27,710- Lan!

    - They're looking for me.All they needed was more time.

    98501:30:29,390 --> 01:30:31,415We just needed more time!

    98601:30:31,559 --> 01:30:33,652- Lan! Lan!- We needtime!


    01:30:33,795 --> 01:30:36,525Give me the gun! Give me thatgun!

    98801:30:36,631 --> 01:30:38,861- My plane will fly!- Comeon.

    98901:30:45,973 --> 01:30:49,773Everyone, look! Look!


    01:30:56,717 --> 01:30:59,550Holy sh*t.

    99101:31:07,895 --> 01:31:09,863I told you.

    99201:31:11,532 --> 01:31:13,500I told you.

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    99301:31:14,635 --> 01:31:17,468We have to get inside!

    99401:31:20,041 --> 01:31:23,067Inside! Get inside!

    99501:31:35,289 --> 01:31:37,689Wait a minute!All theweight's on the Phoenix!

    99601:32:03,184 --> 01:32:05,812I can't believe it.

    99701:32:05,953 --> 01:32:07,921We build a plane...

    99801:32:09,557 --> 01:32:12,526

    we can't even fly it out of here.

    99901:32:13,628 --> 01:32:15,357All that sand...

    100001:32:15,463 --> 01:32:17,431it's probably not even gonnastart.

    100101:32:18,599 --> 01:32:20,567It'll start.

    100201:32:28,943 --> 01:32:30,843Listen.

    100301:32:30,945 --> 01:32:32,913We built this plane.

    100401:32:35,449 --> 01:32:38,043With our own hands we builtit.

    100501:32:39,420 --> 01:32:42,014We can sure as hell dig itout.

    100601:32:48,930 --> 01:32:50,898Did you hear what Isaid?

    100701:32:52,900 --> 01:32:54,868

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    We built it.

    100801:32:58,573 --> 01:33:00,473We're not garbage.

    100901:33:01,676 --> 01:33:04,076We're people...

    101001:33:04,178 --> 01:33:06,146with families...

    101101:33:07,515 --> 01:33:10,006and lives to live.

    101201:33:12,887 --> 01:33:14,855All of us.

    101301:33:20,761 --> 01:33:22,991

    I don't wanna die like this.

    101401:33:26,734 --> 01:33:28,634Come on.

    101501:33:28,736 --> 01:33:31,136Let's get the hell out ofhere.

    101601:33:34,675 --> 01:33:36,438Let's go home.

    101701:34:09,410 --> 01:34:11,970Come on!

    101801:34:13,280 --> 01:34:16,010Come on! Get up!

    101901:34:18,653 --> 01:34:20,985Come on. Come on!

    102001:34:37,038 --> 01:34:39,165All right, that's farenough.

    102101:34:59,427 --> 01:35:01,361It's kinda beautiful, isn'tit?

    102201:35:01,495 --> 01:35:04,123

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    Don't tell us you wanna stick around.

    102301:35:04,231 --> 01:35:06,825Not with you, I don't.

    102401:35:11,238 --> 01:35:13,331Whatever happens now...

    102501:35:15,342 --> 01:35:17,867we did somethingprettyamazing here.

    102601:35:19,213 --> 01:35:21,681Yes, we did, didn't we?

    102701:35:23,217 --> 01:35:25,185Good luck.


    01:35:26,721 --> 01:35:28,484Uh...

    102901:35:29,557 --> 01:35:32,151Captain Towns...

    103001:35:34,729 --> 01:35:36,697we only have, uh...

    103101:35:36,797 --> 01:35:39,459

    five chances at this, so, uh...

    103201:35:41,569 --> 01:35:43,969good luck.

    103301:36:02,556 --> 01:36:04,524Okay.

    103401:36:13,868 --> 01:36:15,768Hey, Frank...

    103501:36:15,870 --> 01:36:18,270I want you to borrowthis.

    103601:36:18,372 --> 01:36:21,170It's always been good luckfor me.


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    01:36:23,377 --> 01:36:25,345Who needs luck?

    103801:37:35,583 --> 01:37:37,847Clear.

    103901:38:03,544 --> 01:38:05,341Come on, baby. Come on.

    104001:38:08,082 --> 01:38:10,550Come on!

    104101:38:13,254 --> 01:38:16,382Come on.

    104201:38:35,476 --> 01:38:38,172- Come on.- Come on.

    104301:38:38,279 --> 01:38:41,544- Turn over.- Yes!

    104401:38:42,816 --> 01:38:44,784Please!

    104501:38:48,489 --> 01:38:50,252Come on!

    104601:38:55,863 --> 01:38:58,093sh*t.

    104701:39:05,239 --> 01:39:08,140I'm gonna fire the nextcartridgewith the ignition off...

    104801:39:08,242 --> 01:39:10,210to clear the cylinders.

    104901:39:12,613 --> 01:39:16,071But, Captain Towns,there areonly two left!

    105001:39:16,183 --> 01:39:18,117I know.


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    01:39:19,186 --> 01:39:21,381But I...

    105201:39:41,075 --> 01:39:43,305Oh, sh*t!

    105301:39:44,878 --> 01:39:47,176Jesus!

    105401:39:54,521 --> 01:39:56,489Okay.

    105501:39:58,025 --> 01:39:59,993Come on.

    105601:40:05,466 --> 01:40:08,867Come on, baby.


    01:40:11,505 --> 01:40:14,531- Come on!- Come on.

    105801:40:14,641 --> 01:40:17,303- Come on!- Come on!

    105901:40:17,411 --> 01:40:20,073Frank! Go rich on thefuel!

    106001:40:20,180 --> 01:40:22,546Come on, baby!

    106101:40:23,617 --> 01:40:26,882Come on!

    106201:40:27,021 --> 01:40:29,751- Yes!- Yes, yes, yes!

    106301:40:29,890 --> 01:40:31,790Ohh!

    106401:40:33,894 --> 01:40:35,862Yes!

    106501:40:37,598 --> 01:40:39,623

  • 7/18/2019 Nightcrawler. 2014.DVDSCR.ac3.XViDACAB.[]


    Yes! Come on!

    106601:40:39,733 --> 01:40:43,464- Yeah!- Yes! We make ourown luck!

    106701:40:43,570 --> 01:40:45,094- Yes! Yes!- Come on!

    106801:40:45,205 --> 01:40:46,763Yeah!

    106901:40:48,876 --> 01:40:52,039Yes! Yes!

    107001:40:52,146 --> 01:40:55,638Everybody! Up!

    107101:40:55,749 --> 01:40:58,741Let's go home! Come on!

    107201:40:58,852 --> 01:41:01,946- Yeah!- Come on! Let'sgo!

    107301:41:02,089 --> 01:41:04,319We're going home!

    107401:41:12,533 --> 01:41:14,763Yes!

    107501:41:15,869 --> 01:41:17,769One for the lucky man!

    107601:41:22,743 --> 01:41:24,711Thank you.


    01:41:49,369 --> 01:41:51,599Mr. Towns!

    107801:41:56,276 --> 01:41:58,403Hang on!

    107901:42:28,742 --> 01:42:32,542- Towns, we have aproblem!

  • 7/18/2019 Nightcrawler. 2014.DVDSCR.ac3.XViDACAB.[]


    - Elliott, where's my rudder? I've lost my rudder!

    108001:42:32,646 --> 01:42:37,106- That's what I'm trying totell you!- Well, stop talking and fix it!

    108101:42:40,821 --> 01:42:42,652sh*t.

    108201:43:07,347 --> 01:43:09,315Aah!

    108301:43:21,695 --> 01:43:24,892Towns, get us outtahere!This sh*t ain't funny no more!

    108401:43:39,980 --> 01:43:42,346Here we go!

    108501:44:12,379 --> 01:44:14,279Yeah!

    108601:44:14,381 --> 01:44:16,349Hey, boy!

    108701:44:20,153 --> 01:44:22,178Yeah!


    01:44:25,192 --> 01:44:27,888We're flying! Yes!

    108901:44:29,162 --> 01:44:31,062Yes!

    109001:44:31,164 --> 01:44:32,927Whoo-hoo!

    109101:44:39 473 > 01:44:42 306

Nightcrawler. 2014.DVDSCR.ac3.XViD ACAB.[] - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.