Seth Quinn, MD in Dallas, TX (2024)

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${ provider.PrimarySpecialties ? `

${provider.PrimarySpecialties.join(', ')}

` : '' } ${ provider.Rating ? `


` : '' } ${ provider.isTHPG ? `

Offers Video Visits

` : '' }

${provider.CTA ? provider.CTA : ''} ${ location.hasCareTeamMore ? ` More Care Team Members ` : '' }`; const widgetCareTeam = document.querySelector('#widgetCareTeam'); widgetCareTeam.innerHTML = template; updateMoreCareTeamLink(widgetCareTeam, provider, location, isExisting); } function populateWidgetOther(otherProv, location, isExisting = undefined) { prepProvCTA(otherProv, location); const template = `

Other Providers Available at this Location


${ otherProv.PrimarySpecialties ? `

${otherProv.PrimarySpecialties.join(', ')}

` : '' } ${ otherProv.Rating ? `


` : '' } ${ otherProv.isTHPG ? `

Offers Video Visits

` : '' }

${otherProv.CTA ? otherProv.CTA : ''}

${ location.hasSimilarMore ? ` More Care Team Members ` : '' }`; const widgetOther = document.querySelector('#widgetOther'); widgetOther.innerHTML = template; updateMoreCareTeamLink(widgetOther, otherProv, location, isExisting); } function populateWidgetSoonestProvs() { for (const loc of window.pageState.locations) { const primNpi = loc.primProvNpi.toString(); const localProvIdsArr = loc.ProviderIds.filter((p) => { return p != primNpi; }); if (localProvIdsArr.length) { let localProvCTNpisPlusMDsArr = []; let localProvMDsArr = []; loc.hasSimilarMore = false; loc.soonestOtherProv = null; loc.soonestOtherProvExist = null; loc.soonestOtherProvNew= null; loc.hasCareTeamMore = false; loc.soonestCareTeamProv = null; loc.soonestCareTeamProvExist = null; loc.soonestCareTeamProvNew = null; localProvMDsArr = loc.localProviders.filter((prov) => prov.isMDDO && prov.CareTeam.includes(primNpi)); if (localProvMDsArr.length === 1) { loc.soonestOtherProv = localProvMDsArr[0].Npi.toString(); loc.soonestOtherProvExist = localProvMDsArr[0].Npi.toString(); loc.soonestOtherProvNew = localProvMDsArr[0].Npi.toString(); } if (localProvMDsArr.length > 1) { loc.soonestOtherProvExist = localProvMDsArr.sort((a,b) => { return a.SoonestFollowUpClinicVisit - b.SoonestFollowUpClinicVisit; })[0].Npi.toString(); loc.soonestOtherProvNew = localProvMDsArr.sort((a,b) => { return a.SoonestNewClinicVisit - b.SoonestNewClinicVisit; })[0].Npi.toString(); loc.soonestOtherProv = localProvMDsArr.sort((a,b) => { return Math.min(a.SoonestNewClinicVisit,a.SoonestFollowUpClinicVisit) - Math.min(b.SoonestNewClinicVisit,b.SoonestFollowUpClinicVisit); })[0].Npi.toString(); loc.hasSimilarMore = true; } let localProvCTNpisArr = loc.careTeamString.split(','); localProvCTsArr = loc.localProviders.length ? loc.localProviders.filter((ct) => localProvCTNpisArr.includes(ct.Npi.toString())) : []; localProvCTNpisArr = localProvCTNpisArr.filter((provId) => provId != primNpi); if (localProvCTNpisArr.length === 1) { loc.soonestCareTeamProv = localProvCTNpisArr[0]; loc.soonestCareTeamProvExist = localProvCTNpisArr[0]; loc.soonestCareTeamProvNew = localProvCTNpisArr[0]; } if (localProvCTsArr.length > 1) { loc.soonestCareTeamProvExist = localProvCTsArr.sort((a,b) => { return a.SoonestFollowUpClinicVisit - b.SoonestFollowUpClinicVisit; })[0].Npi.toString(); loc.soonestCareTeamProvNew = localProvCTsArr.sort((a,b) => { return a.SoonestNewClinicVisit - b.SoonestNewClinicVisit; })[0].Npi.toString(); loc.soonestCareTeamProv = localProvCTsArr.sort((a,b) => { return Math.min(a.SoonestNewClinicVisit,a.SoonestFollowUpClinicVisit) - Math.min(b.SoonestNewClinicVisit,b.SoonestFollowUpClinicVisit); })[0].Npi.toString(); loc.hasCareTeamMore = true; } } } } function prepProvBooleans(provider) { provider.allowsScheduling = provider.BookingFlow?.toLowerCase() == 'flow' ? true : false; provider.isMDDO = false; const requiredDegrees = ['MD', 'DO', 'md', 'do']; if (provider.Degrees.some((deg) => requiredDegrees.includes(deg))) { provider.isMDDO = true; } provider.isTHPG = provider.Tier == 1 ? true : false; } function prepProvCTA(provider, location) { let cta = ''; switch (provider.BookingFlow?.toLowerCase()) { case 'flow': cta = providerTimeslots = ` `; break; case 'form': const uriEncodedName = encodeURIComponent(provider.Name); cta = `

Request Appointment

`; break; case 'call': const callCTA = `

Call For Appointment

`; if (location.Phone) { cta = callCTA; } cta = ''; default: cta = ''; } provider.CTA = cta; } function prepProvExtras (provider) { delete provider.ProviderUniqueUrlPacmed; delete provider.ProviderUniqueUrlProvidence; delete provider.ProviderUniqueUrlSwedish; }; function prepProvImage(provider) { if (provider.ImageUrl?.length > 0) { provider.ImageUrl = provider.ImageUrl; } else { try { provider.ImageUrl = ``; } catch (error) { console.error('Could not retrieve placeholder image', error); } } } function prepProvLocURL(provider) { if ( provider.LocationUrls && provider.LocationUrls[0] && provider.LocationUrls[0].length ) { function prepURL(url) { const locationUrlObj = /^http/i.test(url) ? new URL(url) : /^www/i.test(url) ? new URL('https://' + url) : new URL('' + url); return locationUrlObj.href; } provider.locationUrlsPrepped = []; for (let [i, url] of provider.LocationUrls.entries()) { if (url && url.length) url = url.trim(); if (url) { provider.locationUrlsPrepped[i] = prepURL(url); } else { provider.locationUrlsPrepped[i] = url; } } } } function prepProvName(provider) { if ( provider.Name && provider.Names && provider.Names.length ) { if (provider.isMDDO) { provider.shortName = `Dr. ${provider.Names[2]}`; } else { provider.shortName = `${provider.Names[0]} ${provider.Names[2]}`; } provider.namePlusDegree = provider.Degrees.length && provider.Degrees[0] !== '' ? provider.Name + `, ${provider.Degrees.join(', ')}` : provider.Name; provider.namePlusDegreeRaw = provider.namePlusDegree; } } function prepProvPhone(provider) { if (provider.Phones[0] && provider.Phones[0].length) { provider.Phones = => { return formatPhoneNumber(phone, 'hyphenated'); }); } }; function prepProvRating(provider) { if (provider.Rating > 0) { provider.Rating = fixedRating(provider.Rating); } provider.isRatingsPlural = !provider.RatingCount ? false : provider.RatingCount > 1 ? true : false; provider.isReviewsPlural = !provider.ReviewCount ? false : provider.ReviewCount > 1 ? true : false; } function prepProvSpecialties(provider) { provider.specialtiesStr = ''; if (provider.PrimarySpecialties[0]?.length > 0) { provider.specialtiesStr += provider.PrimarySpecialties.join(', '); } if (provider.SecondarySpecialties[0]?.length > 0) { provider.specialtiesStr += ', ' + provider.SecondarySpecialties.join(', '); } if (provider.PrimaryClinicalInterests[0]?.length > 0) { provider.specialtiesStr += ', ' + provider.PrimaryClinicalInterests.join(', '); } }; function prepProvURL(provider) { if (provider.ProfileUrl) { const url = provider.ProfileUrl; const providerUrl = /^http/i.test(url) ? url : /^www/i.test(url) ? 'https://' + url : '' + url; provider.profileUrlPrepped = providerUrl; } } function reloadWidgetCareTeam(npiToLoad, location, isExisting = undefined) { const widgetCareTeam = document.querySelector('#widgetCareTeam'); const provCTNpi = widgetCareTeam?.querySelector('provider-timeslots')?.getAttribute('provider'); let providerCT = null; if (provCTNpi != npiToLoad) { providerCT = window.pageState.otherProviders.find((prov) => { return prov.Npi == npiToLoad && prov.LocationId ==; }); populateWidgetCareTeam(providerCT, location, isExisting); } else { updateMoreCareTeamLink(widgetCareTeam, providerCT, location, isExisting); } } function reloadWidgetOther(npiToLoad, location, isExisting = undefined) { const widgetOther = document.querySelector('#widgetOther'); const otherProvNpi = widgetOther?.querySelector('provider-timeslots')?.getAttribute('provider'); let providerOP = null; if (otherProvNpi != npiToLoad) { providerOP = window.pageState.otherProviders.find((prov) => { return prov.Npi == npiToLoad && prov.LocationId ==; }); populateWidgetOther(providerOP, location, isExisting); } else { const otherProv = window.pageState.otherProviders.find((prov) => prov.Npi == otherProvNpi); updateMoreCareTeamLink(widgetOther, otherProv, location, isExisting); } } async function returnJSON (res, identifier = '') { if (res.status === 200 || res.ok) { const response = await res.json(); if (response && !/(undefined|false|null)/.test(response)) { return response; } else { console.error(`Unexpected fetch response for ${identifier}:`, response); }; } else { const msg = `${res.status} Failure fetching api for ${identifier}`; console.error(msg); }; } function selectMarker() { if (google.maps) { const dropdownEl = document.querySelector('.selector-dropdown'); let location =[0].id; if (dropdownEl?.dataset.value) { location = dropdownEl.dataset.value } google.maps.event.trigger([location], 'click'); } } function setEventListeners() { const addrBlock = document.getElementById('addrBlock'); const locName = document.getElementById('locName'); 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displayCrossSells(); if ('provider') != window.pageState.primaryProvider.Npi) { const primaryTimeslots = document.querySelector('#primaryTimeslots'); primaryTimeslots.outerHTML = primaryTimeslots.outerHTML; } document.querySelector('#moreCareTeamLink')?.classList.add('disabled'); }); } function setState(obj) { if (Object.keys(obj).length > 0) { window.pageState = Object.assign(window.pageState, obj); return; } else { console.error('setState data object keys are:', obj); } } function storeProvIdOnLocation(provider) { if ( provider.LocationIds && provider.LocationIds[0] && provider.LocationIds[0].length ) { function storeProvId(locId) { for (const loc of window.pageState.locations) { if ( === locId) { const npiStr = provider.Npi.toString(); if (!loc.ProviderIds) { loc.ProviderIds = [npiStr]; } else if (!loc.ProviderIds.includes(npiStr)) { loc.ProviderIds.push(npiStr) } } } } for (let [i, locId] of provider.LocationIds.entries()) { if (locId && locId.length) locId = locId.trim(); if (locId) { storeProvId(locId); 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${}, ${location.address.region ?? 'TX'} ${location.address.postalCode}`; if (address) { address.innerHTML = addressContent; } if (addressBlock) { addressBlock.ariaLabel = location.address.full; addressBlock.dataset.location =; } if (locationLink) { if (location.Url) { locationLink.href = location.Url; locationLink.dataset.varsLocationLink = location.Url; locationLink.classList.remove('hidden'); } else { locationLink.classList.add('hidden'); } } if (phoneLink) { if (location.Phone) { phoneLink.innerHTML = location.Phone; phoneLink.href = 'tel:' + location.Phone; phoneLink.parentElement.classList.remove('hidden'); } else { phoneLink.parentElement.classList.add('hidden'); } } if (directions) { directions.href = "" + location.address.googleAddress; } if (primaryTimeslots) { primaryTimeslots.setAttribute('location', location.address.apiString); primaryTimeslots.setAttribute('location-id',; primaryTimeslots.setAttribute('phone', location.Phone); primaryTimeslots.outerHTML = primaryTimeslots.outerHTML; } } async function updateNearestBUCTile(selectedLocation) { try { const nearestTile = document.querySelector('nearest-location-timeslots'); const nearestTileWrap = document.querySelector('#widgetNearbyBUC'); const qcTileWrap = document.querySelector('#widgetQuickCare'); if (selectedLocation.hasNearbyBUC) { nearestTile.setAttribute('distance-from', selectedLocation.coordsParamStr); nearestTile.outerHTML = nearestTile.outerHTML; nearestTileWrap.classList.remove('hidden'); qcTileWrap.classList.add('hidden'); } else { nearestTileWrap.classList.add('hidden'); qcTileWrap.classList.remove('hidden'); } } catch (err) { console.warn('Cannot fetch nearby Breeze Urgent Care locations.', err); } } function updateMoreCareTeamLink(widget, provider, location, isExisting) { const moreCareTeamLink = widget.querySelector('#moreCareTeamLink'); if (moreCareTeamLink) { if (location.primProvCategory === 'MD') { moreCareTeamLink.href = `${location.Url}?doctorsOnly=true`; } else if ( location.primProvCategory === 'MDCT' && (isExisting === true || typeof isExisting === undefined) ) { moreCareTeamLink.href = `${location.Url}?doctor=${location.primProvShortName}&providers=${location.careTeamString}`; } else { let selectedLocData = {}; if (window.pageState.locations.length) { selectedLocData = window.pageState.locations .filter((loc) => ( ==[0]; moreCareTeamLink.href = `${location.Url}?${location.primProvCategory === 'MDCT' ? `doctor=${location.primProvShortName}&` : ''}providers=${selectedLocData.careTeamStringPlusMDs}`; } else { moreCareTeamLink.href = `${location.Url}`; } } } }
Seth Quinn, MD in Dallas, TX (2024)


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Article information

Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

Last Updated:

Views: 5632

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.