Twilight's Magic Dragon (2024)

Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honahlee
Little Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff
And brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff

"Mommy, I’m bored.” The three-year-old wined, tugging on her mother's dress. Her mother patted her daughters head, not even bothering to glance down at the young toddler, choosing to instead continue her conversation with the other adults in the room.

“Twilight, mommy is busy right now. Why don’t you go play in your room.” Twilight nodded her head solemnly, obediently walking up the stairs and heading to her room.

Twilight always hated the parties her mommy and daddy threw. It was always filled with stuffy business people from their office and there was never anyone to play with her because it was an adult only party and her big brother was locked in his room busy with schoolwork.

I wish I had a friend to play with. Twilight thought sadly as she sat down on her bed. She grabbed a book off her shelf and flipped it open. She couldn’t read yet, but she loved to look at the pictures, and the pictures in this book were always her favorite. They depicted a large purple dragon playing on a beach with a bunch of pirates and kings surrounding him. The dragon in the pictures always looked so nice, even when he shot red flames at the mean pirates. Twilight wished that dragons were real so she could play with him and be his friend.

“Hello,” A voice said behind her. Twilight turned around quickly and saw the head of a dragon smiling at her from outside her window. He looked just like the dragon in her storybook, with perfect purple scales and bright green eyes that looked so friendly and kind.

“You’re from my book!” Twilight said excitedly, running over to the window and giving the dragon a bright smile.

“I am. My name is Spike and I’m a magic dragon. What’s your name?” Spike asked the girl.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle, I’m three!” The toddler announced proudly. Suddenly Spike began to glow and shrunk down to a small enough size that allowed him to jump through her window.

“Well Twilight, would you like to be my friend?” He asked her with a smile.

“Of course!” Twilight wrapped her arms around the dragons long neck and gave him a tight hug. For the rest of the evening, Twilight and Spike played together in her room, with Twilight showing Spike all her toys and Spike telling her all about the pirates that sailed by his cave.

Hours later, when Twilight Velvet showed up to put her daughter to bed, she found Twilight fast asleep on her bed in her pretty party dress with her favorite dragon book clenched tightly to her chest.

Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sail
Jackie kept a lookout perched on Puff's gigantic tail
Noble kings and princes would bow whene'er they came
Pirate ships would lower their flag when Puff roared out his name

“Do you see them Twilight?” Spike asked.

“Not yet, but I’ll keep looking!” Twilight told her friend. The eight-year-old was sitting on the end of Spikes tail and looking all around the beach to see if they could find the nasty pirates who had been attacking them recently. A moment later she saw the ships sail come into view from behind the trees and she jumped up. “SPIKE THEY’RE COMING!”

“ARGH! Give us your treasure Spike!” The captain yelled ferociously as his goons jumped off the boat and swam to shore.

“Come on Spike, let's show these mean pirates not to take our treasure.” Twilight yelled bravely. She grabbed her toy wooden sword and charged toward the enemy. While Spike roared and smacked the pirates around with his tail, Twilight fought three different pirates with her single wooden sword. She spun around like a top, blocking all their attacks just like Spike had taught her to do. It was true Twilight had a few close calls but her training with Spike served her well now as she held up a strong stance against these bad guys. Of course, as hard as they tried no pirate seemed to even get close to Spike as he lashed his tail and spit out deep red flames. Twilight could hear him behind her as he called out pointers and encouragement while fending off several pirates at the same time. As his goons fell one by one, the captain yelled out and charged toward the dragon with his weapon raised. Spike seemed to smirk as he stretched out one forclaw and swiftly snatched the sword away. Spike gripped the weapon between his claws and snapped it in two with a deep laugh. He cast the remnants at the captains feet. The captain looked around and saw that he was the last one standing. Twilight had dealt with her foes as well and she now moved to stand beside her friend. Spike snaked his head over her shoulder.

“Good job Twilight, I knew you could do it.” Twilight smiled, proud of the skills she just displayed. She turned her head to look at her best friend and let out a small laugh

“It's only cause you were here with me” She admitted. The dragon smiled and turned back toward the captain, who was still staring in shock at his broken weapon.

“Well captain, what would you say if I told you I wanted to...renegotiate our terms?”

The dragon allowed a small fire to flare in his eyes as he looked to the captain, smoke hissing from his mouth in a roiling stream. The captain looked to him then looked at Twilight, who was standing with her hands on her hips and giving him a hard glare, and with a heavy sigh...simply nodded his head up and down in silence as if he were a marionette.

A dragon lives forever but not so little boys
Painted wings and giant rings make way for other toys
One grey night it happened, Jackie Paper came no more
And Puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar

“Mom, I’m going to go outside for a little while,” Twilight called out to her mother as she slipped on her shoes and started opening the back door. The high school student couldn’t wait to tell Spike all about her day and all the friends she's made at her new school. She also knew that the nasty pirates had come back since she could hear the cannon fire from her bedroom, so she had to go help her friend.

Twilight had already ran halfway through her large backyard before her mom appeared in the doorway. “TWILIGHT WAIT!” She heard her mom yell loudly, but to her the cannon fire was louder. A large smile grew on her face the closer she got to the lightly wooded area, a sight that was quite rare nowadays. Twilight placed a hand on the trunk of one of the trees and looked around cautiously, trying to find the best way to sneak in and attack the pirates by surprise.

“TWILIGHT!” Twilight immediately stiffened at Pinkie’s familiar voice. She chose not to turn around, but the sound of feet running toward her got louder and louder.

“Twilight, what are you doing?” Twilight heard Rainbow Dash ask. Twilight turned around and saw all her friends standing a few feet away from her.

“What do you mean? That’s a silly question to ask, anyone can see I’m…just…checking my trees! You know, to make sure they’re healthy!” Twilight chuckled, looking down at her feet and twirling her hair around her finger awkwardly. She heard Spike’s distant roar and she turned her head to look over her shoulder, trying to hide a concerned expression.

“You’re checking your trees?” Rainbow Dash asked with a raised eyebrow. Twilight huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

“What are you all doing here anyway?” She asked.

“Well, I need to go get some more material for our costumes for the next show and I was going to have Applejack help me. Applejack then asked Rainbow Dash to come and to make a long story short we decided to just all go out and spend the afternoon together.” Rarity explained.

“You had already gone home for the day and you didn’t pick up your phone, so we came by to see if you wanted to come.” Applejack added. “We’re planning to help Rarity pick out some fabric for the costumes first, then maybe go to the arcade for a bit before heading out to eat.” Applejack explained.

“Are you gonna come Twilight?” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight could hear the pirates shouting at Spike and she desperately wanted to go and help him like she always did. She had visited him every single day ever since she was 3 years old, there was no way she wouldn’t visit him today. Looking around at her friends hopeful faces though, she found she didn’t want to tell them no. If she went with them though, she didn’t know what that would mean for Spike.

“Yea, I’ll come,” Twilight felt the words come out of her mouth, but the words didn’t register until she saw her friends faces light up. Twilight turned around quickly and stared into the trees, a hard look on her face. She tried not to cry at the sound of Spikes roars and wondered how she could betray her lifelong friend so easily.

“What’s their name?” A voice asked quietly beside her. Standing beside her, staring off into the trees with a calm expression, was Sunset. Twilight looked at her with surprise and disbelief while Sunset simply smiled at the girl. “The one waiting for you.” She clarified. A few weeks earlier Twilight would’ve questioned Sunset, accusing her of being ridiculous and silly for asking such a thing. Now though, Twilight was used the fact that bacon haired girl seemed to just know things about her friends, so she just let it be. Twilight let her gaze fall to the floor, her cheeks turning pink with embarrassment. She didn’t want to tell Sunset about Spike, but the way Sunset was watching her with such a soft gaze made Twilight feel safe enough to tell her.

“Spike” She whispered. “His name is Spike. He’s a dragon.”

“I’m sure you’ve told him all about us.” Twilight nodded at Sunset's words, subconsciously noticing that the sounds of the fight between Spike and the pirates wasn’t as loud as it had been a moment ago. The more she thought about her friends behind her, the less she heard from the forest in front of her. She had a feeling that if she went looking for the river where Spike would be, she wouldn’t be able to find it.

“I’m not going to be able to visit him anymore, am I?” It was more of a statement then a question, because Twilight already knew the answer.

“You don’t need him as much anymore, because now you have all of us. You have a group of friends now who you love spending time with and who love spending time with you in return. I’m sure that’s something he’s always wanted you to have. Just because you won’t be seeing him anymore doesn’t mean you have to forget him completely though. Think of it more as a, see you later, then a goodbye. After all, the ones who love us never really leave us.” Sunset placed a hand on Twilight’s shoulder and squeezed gently.

“Did you just quote Harry Potter?” Twilight asked, causing Sunset to chuckle.

“HEY ARE YOU TWO COMING?” Pinkie yelled out. The two girls turned around and saw their friends standing in the doorway of Twilight’s house waving the two girls over.

“Race you!” Sunset smirked, taking off in a sprint.

“HEY WAIT FOR ME!” Twilight yelled irritably, running after the older girl. As she ran toward her friends, the sounds of cannons and dragon roars became quieter. By the time she reached the house the only noise she heard was coming from her loud friends, arguing over what way they should go to get to the store.

Twilight couldn’t help but smile at her group of mismatched friends and wondered if Sunset was right. Maybe she didn’t need Spike anymore like she did as a young child, after all she had real, human, friends now.

I’ll see you again someday Spike, but right now I have friends to hang out with. Twilight thought before walking into the house with her friends, leaving the magic forest and Spike behind.

His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain
Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane
Without his lifelong friend, Puff could not be brave
So Puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave

“I’m scared, I don’t wanna go in there.” The young girl whispered, holding the sleeve of her sisters’ jacket tightly. Her dark blue hair was in a high ponytail and, her blue eyes were darting around, as if waiting for something to pop out and scare her.

“Don’t be scared. Mama used to play in these trees all the time.” The older girl comforted, pushing a piece of her purple hair behind her ear.

“Are we really going to meet a dragon?” Her sister whispered. “What if he isn’t nice?”

“He was Mama’s best friend when she was our age, I’m sure he’ll be nice! He looks just like the dragon in your favorite storybook that Mama reads to us all the time. He lives right by the ocean in a small cave right on the beach.” She grabbed her sisters hand and started walking into the mess of trees. The walked a short way before the smell of the ocean hit their noses and crash of waves echoed in their ears. The girls flashed each other a smile and ran further into the trees.

The girls ran onto the beach and watched in amazement as they came across a bright blue ocean that was crashing right onto the grass of the forest and off to the side in between two large trees was a small cave. The girls walked over quietly, peaking their head inside, unable to hold back a gasp when they saw a large, dark purple dragon sitting next to a small fire. He looked just like the dragon in their storybook.

“Excuse me, are you Spike?” The older girl called out, pulling her sister by the arm into the cave. The dragon looked over in surprise and nodded his head slowly.

“I am” Spike nodded. “I can’t see you well over there, come closer so I can see you better.” The girls obeyed and walked over toward the dragon, allowing the glow of the small fire to hit them. When the dragon saw the older girls purple hair, his eyes widened “Wait, Twilight?”

“No, Twilight is my mom.” The older girl shook her head. “My name is Indigo Velvet and I’m five and this is my little sister Starry Skies, she’s three.”

“You're Twilight’s children?” The girls nodded at Spikes question and the dragon smiled. “How did you know where to find me?”

“Mama tells us stories about you.” Starry explained, still holding tightly to her sisters coat.

“Did she tell you about all our sword fights with the nasty pirates?” Spike asked. He always enjoyed reminiscing about the many fights he shared with Twilight. He missed training with his best friend and showing her how to swing a sword and block attacks.

“Mama used to fight with a sword?” Indigo’s eyes widened at the new information.

“Your Mama was a great sword fighter. She would come out here and we would train everyday because we had to fight off the pirates that always try to steal my treasure,” Spike explained.

“Can you teach us to fight with swords like you taught Mama?” Indigo asked and Spike’s heart soared.

“Of course I can!” He smiled. “Grab those swords there and follow me outside and we’ll practice.” The girls each grabbed an old wooden sword that had been laying in the corner of the cave and followed the dragon outside to begin their very first sword fighting lesson.

“Girls?” Twilight called out with a frown, walking around the backyard hopelessly. She thought it was a bit rude that they just ran off when they should've been spending time with their grandparents.

“Owe, good one Spike!” Twilight’s ears perked up at the familiar name. She looked over at the trees in the back corner of the yard and walked over silently. “No Star, we need to get this right before we challenge the pirates to a battle.” Twilight heard Indigo say between heavy breaths. She peaked between the trees and saw her two daughters fighting against an invisible foe with the same wooden swords she used to play with years ago and although she couldn’t see him anymore, she knew who her daughters were training with.

She smiled and instead of telling them they should be inside with their grandparents like she had originally planned, she turned around and walked back to the house without a word.

“Treat them well Spike. Take them on some amazing adventures for me.” Twilight whispered and, although she would never admit it out loud, she heard Spike roar in response.

Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honahlee

Twilight's Magic Dragon (2024)


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.